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  1. M

    Counting items in a query?

    I'm not real swift at Access, which will be obvious! I have a data base of items, some items are categorized as Ancient and some are categorized as Spanish. Each item in the table is unique so there are only one of each item. I am trying to create a year end query where I can total the cost...
  2. M

    VB gui in Access 2007 question:

    I am not really familiar with vb so know your not talking to the whiz kid here. :) I have built a form in Access 2007 and have added some event procedures using the visual basic gui. The problem I'm having is there is a wrongly label function or definition, bear with me, .... at the top of...
  3. M

    can you create a calculated field in a table?

    I am trying to get a column to display a user defined paylevel. (I tried to think of how to make this a seperate table but not sure) if a sales person sold 1 - 3 contracts pay level would = 1; 4 - 7 pay level would = 2 and 8 + pay level would = 3. I want a table column to display the pay level...
  4. M

    form text field update a different table column as well

    I have a form where a sales person enters an installation date, called installDate in the db. I need the date to be formatted into a week number in a different column of the table as well as updating it's on source. I am unsure how to do this. Everything I have tried using the expression builder...
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