Search results

  1. S

    Copy records to 2nd table

    Hi all, I'm getting myself into a bit of a muddle. I have four tables: tblinvoice / tblinvparts tblquotes / tblquoteparts when I open the tblinvoice form it has tblinvparts as a subform. tblinvoice has a listbox that lists quote numbers linked to vehiclereg. I have a button on the...
  2. S

    Copy search result into textbox

    Hi all. I have a quote form that has a button which opens a simple search form with just one textbox which gives the results in a subform. (the search is for the company name and the subform results give the company name with the full address (company, add1, add2, town, county, postcode) I...
  3. S

    run update query in autoexec

    Hi, I have an existing query that uses two tables INVOICES AND CUSTOMERS ('acno' in CUSTOMERS and 'account' in INVOICES as the link) to give me a list of customers who have not ordered in the last 18 months I use: Expr1: Max([INVOICES]![INVOICE DATE])<=DateAdd("m",-18,Date()) with -1 as the...
  4. S

    Openreport with date filter

    Hi, I am self taught on Access and VBA so there are still big holes in my basic knowledge. I have a form with a date field [invoicedate] and a button to open a report with just the page(s) relating to that date. I have tried several options and they all open the entire report. my latest code...
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