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  1. R

    Column headers in a crosstab query.

    Hi all, My question is, how can I set the Column Headers property of a crosstab query so that it will always force headers of the names of the preceding 3 months, as opposed to simply setting the property to the current preceding 3 months ie: "September", "October", "November"? Thanks for any...
  2. R

    IN string syntax in Crosstab query

    Hello there, I am trying to force the column headers of a crosstab query by setting the IN string of the query through VBA, rather than setting the column headers property in the query design window(though I would still have the same problem, I think, if I tried to set the column headers...
  3. R

    Passing 'FormReference' arguments.

    Hi there, I am trying to pass some arguments from a form's code module in a call to a public procedure stored in a standard code module. The arguments I am passing are: 'strFormName" the name of the form, which = "frmFilter" 'strList' the name of a list box, which = "lstFiltered" Why, when I...
  4. R

    Filter Syntax with OpenReport

    Hi there, I am having trouble due to my lack of syntax knowledge regarding the 'wherecondition' part of the DoCmd.OpenReport command. I am opening a report from various command buttons on a form and applying different filter criterias. This works fine when filtering on a field being equal to...
  5. R

    RecordSet.FindFirst Syntax problem

    Hello there, I am trying to perform a 'not in list' test on a contract number entered in a textbox by opening a recordset from a query and using the newly entered contract number in a findfirst operation, followed by a nomatch check. The jet dbengine does not recognize 'lngCRef' as a valid...
  6. R

    simple synchronising listbox question

    On my contracts form, derived from tblContracts, I have a list box that looks up shippingref numbers from tblShipping. The relationship is one contract to many ref numbers. For each contract, the listbox currently shows all ref numbers, not just the ones related to the Contract. How can I...
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