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  1. G

    Me.Filter works once then pulls up old results

    Actually worked.. I just had to make sure I was accurately referencing all that I needed. I also had some funky coding somewhere that I forgot was there and erased that. Essentially... the code above resolves the issue.. hope this can help someone in the future.
  2. G

    Me.Filter works once then pulls up old results

    Hi I have 3 combo boxes, with filter coding in each after update of each box. Private Sub ComboBox1_AfterUpdate() Me.filter = " [Combo1]=" & Me.ComboBox1 Me.filteron= True Me.ComboBox2="" Me.ComboBox3="" Me.ComboBox2.Requery Me.ComboBox3.Requery end sub Private Sub...
  3. G

    Cascading Combo boxes and rs.findfirst

    Your solution fixed my issue. Now I can finally move on.. thank you for your expertise, guy! For those who may be using this.. the code needs a few more quotes: Code: Me.Filter = "[Model] = '" & Me.ComboA & " AND [Make] = '" & Me.ComboB & "'" Me.FilterOn = True Something like that...
  4. G

    Cascading Combo boxes and rs.findfirst

    Ok this is sad.. so far its only filtering the primary key within the combobox.. i will have to get back to this tomorrow.
  5. G

    Cascading Combo boxes and rs.findfirst

    OK I will try this too.. my code is all jacked up at this point
  6. G

    Cascading Combo boxes and rs.findfirst

    I have tried this before, but will try this again. Where would I place it ? ComboC afterupdate?
  7. G

    Cascading Combo boxes and rs.findfirst

    Hi , Hoping someone can help as I have been working on this for a few weeks now. I have 3 cascading combo boxes. I want to filter a form with these three combo boxes. ComboA - Model ComboB - Make ComboC - Date purchased The cascading combo boxes work fine.. but in regards to filtering, I am...
  8. G

    Adding a new record using form

    Yes person A would be able to be loaned items all at once.
  9. G

    Adding a new record using form

    I want to track how often employees use certain things in the office .. such as laptops. Person A was loaned a laptop, conference room time, company car etc. I want all orders person A made to appear under one form. So when I click a button "new order" a new line will appear and I can list...
  10. G

    Between dates query

    Sometimes a basic solution is to erase your original textboxes and create new ones. I had done everything right coding wise, but a bug in access got in the way.
  11. G

    Between dates query

    Query Builder Car VIN Car Color Check Up Status DateSold CarsSold CarsSold CarsSold CarsSold Criteria for each has a like forms![carssold][GENERICNAME] as for column datesold between forms![carssold].[datesoldfirst] AND forms![carssold].[datesoldlast]
  12. G

    Between dates query

    None of your tips seem to be working. Anyone else out there able to help? Still encountering the same issue. The error message still points to the command to open the query
  13. G

    Between dates query

    OK , I should have stated this before. within my query I have: Forms![SoldCars].[datesoldstart] Forms![SoldCars].[datesoldstop] so these are being referenced. what is happening: instead of the search form I created being used as a query.. the query creates pop ups for me to enter the...
  14. G

    Between dates query

    While I want to move on and take your advice B and Brian. I continue to get an error on the vba code written on a button click which would activate the date query. The error is trying to debug: DoCmd.OpenQuery "GeneralSearchQ", acViewNormal I dont see anything wrong with it because I was...
  15. G

    Between dates query

    Hi all, Side note: From Datapigs, the instructor shows that you should probably program any queries that will be using "AND" within the criteria. I wouldn't know how to code in VBA in order to use a query. My level is beginning intermediate, so I still need a lot of things spelled out to me...
  16. G

    Recall the previous value of a record on form

    This worked, buddy. Thank you so much. Turns out with the .oldvalue property listed after the expression, I really do not need to store anything !! Eyes are uncrossed and this dilemma is solved :)
  17. G

    Recall the previous value of a record on form

    I want to use the value that will be located in the hidden box to do many comparison parameters as well as state the difference in the values. @VilaRestal When you mention "OLD VALUE" property.. how do I use this?
  18. G

    Recall the previous value of a record on form

    HI All, I hope you can help, because I am going cross eyed. I have been working on this for one week.:banghead: I am creating a form that will be used for editing existing records. When a particular record comes up on the form; I would like the value of one textbox within the record to be...
  19. G

    Totals Query Help

    not sure how i ended up finding a solution but I did. sorry I cannot be a better help. SOLVED
  20. G

    Totals Query Help

    I figured out the problem.. now i am trying to either solve it or come up with another question. I see that the total miles driven are actually being multiplied by the number of inquiries a specific car has had. Not sure why these inquiries are tying in. I know that I have a one to many...
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