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  1. P

    Number to Boolean

    Thank you!!!
  2. P

    Number to Boolean

    Hi, My Query results are in Numver formar like 0 & -1, i have to update this data (using update query) to a table where the field is in Boolean format like Yes & No. How to do this? Please help
  3. P

    Export to excel error

    Hi All, When i use the following code and call this in macro with Runcode function,i get a error msg stating, " you cancelled the previous operation " please help ExporttoExcel ' '------------------------------------------------------------ Function ExporttoExcel() On Error GoTo...
  4. P

    MS Access Graph Clustered Chart X Axis issue

    Hi, I have table with data from 2010 to 2015 by month, in my access graph i have option for the user to select the year and view the graph. I used a Query to do this and linked the query to the graph. Everything working fine when the user select the year graph appears for the right selection...
  5. P

    Access Replace Function

    In My table, i have a field with values 0 and date. i am using replace function to change all 0 to No using the below replace function. But while i do this, the 0 value in date also converting to No. Like the following 25/5/2015 changing to 25/5/2No15 But i want the data 0 to become No...
  6. P

    David Crake – very sad news

    Sad news indeed. RIP David, my prayers with his family and friends!!!
  7. P

    Graph not showing results

    Thanks, tried but not working. I have used Query1 as the record source for graph subform. when I click the command button in the main form, How to run the query and link the results with graph I tried Docmd.openquery only the query runs and show the results but the graph is not updating.
  8. P

    Graph not showing results

    Hi there, I am developing a dashboard in MC Access 2013 I have 1 main form and 2 sub forms. In main form I use three comboboxes to filter the data and one I click the command button then the Left subform will display the filtered results and rightside subform will display the...
  9. P

    Qurey to link with target date

    Hi, need your help to fix this. I have to make a query using the following case, I have two tables, in the first table i have the materials and its received date and in my second table i have the month the target date for every month to receive the material. Now linking this two tables, i...
  10. P

    dcount from two tables.

    Thank you Sir, Perfect!!!
  11. P

    dcount from two tables.

    In my form, i would like to sum and dispay the values of datas from two different tables. Table1: MasterTable1 Table2: MasterTable2 I use the below code for one table and its working. Text15 = DCount("[client]", "[MasterTable1]", "[Confirmed]=Yes and [Assigned]=No") But i want to sum the same...
  12. P

    Can´t control the size of a Split Form

    check this worked for me.
  13. P

    Filter forms

    It worked, but is it possible to have AND & OR in same filter like below. Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) Me.Filter = " ¨[Customer1]=-1 and [Active]=0 and [Placed]=0 or [receievd]=0 or [Ordered]=0 or [processed]=0 or [delivered]=0 or [closed]=0" Me.FilterOn = True End Sub
  14. P

    Filter forms

    While applying filter in forms, i have 6 fields in the form and i want to display the data even one of the filed is with 0. I used the below code, but this one display the data where all the fileds are 0. I tried or in place of and but still its not working. Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As...
  15. P

    Remote shutdown of a shared DB...

    Hi ghudson, thank you for this code, this code working for me except the force close 'oMsgBox.PopUp "Testing...closing in ten seconds.", 10, "Force Closed", vbInformation oMsgBox.PopUp "Your copy of the XXXX program will be closed in thirty seconds. The data tables in the XXXX program are...
  16. P

    Conditional formating

    In my Access forms, i display data by month wise; and i want to give the conditional formating with two condition; If date of today is greater than target date for that month and if got value more than 0 - Red color If date of today is lesser than target date for that month and if got value more...
  17. P

    Count multiple colums from the table

    Hi, I understand the limit and i used relationship to meet this requirement and i have this table runing already. I dont understand your point that the table is not properly structured. This is a table just with the fields and the users check box inputs are stored here and i want to count the...
  18. P

    Count multiple colums from the table

    All, I want to count data from my table ( Table ) and to display result like a dashboard (Desired result ). To count this what is the better way to do it? do i need to write query for every column and then link to final column? i have totally 300 columns to count I am attaching Table & desired...
  19. P

    Count morethan one column in a table

    Thank you, Here i am attaching the result of my Query and the result i am expecting to display using sql or vba;
  20. P

    Count morethan one column in a table

    Dear All, I have attached a file with Table, Current Result & Desired Result. I have a table with Month, A, B to G with True or False check box inputs, what i need is on every month, in each category what is the total False; In the past, i created a count query for each category like A to G...
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