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  1. S

    Access 2010 front end to SQL Server 2012 Operation must use an updateable query

    Really useful information, thank you very much
  2. S

    Access 2010 front end to SQL Server 2012 Operation must use an updateable query

    The tables supplying the correct value did not have a primary key. When I identified one, the query works. Who would thunk it.:rolleyes: Thank you.:) Do you know of any source for information on using Access as a front end, or for upgrading ACCESS to SQL Server?
  3. S

    Access 2010 FE, SQL Server 2008 backend - Record locking

    The record only locks in SQL Server if you have opened it to UPDATE or DELETE it, a simple read will not lock it. Go to the SQL forum and ask. I suspect you need to build a stored proc which will lock the record if you access it to read only
  4. S

    Access 2010 front end to SQL Server 2012 Operation must use an updateable query

    The Access database shows linked table to SQL Server (tblWork) and maintains local copies (tblWork_Local) Before I upgraded to this configuration from a simple Access database, this update query worked UPDATE tblWork INNER JOIN tblWrkWkAllDates ON tblWork.BDT = tblWrkWkAllDates.WDate...
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