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    Slider control Access 2013

    Hi All, I have an Access 2010 program using Microsoft Slider Controls 6 (I know, I know - mistake!!) Access 2013 won't run the program for my user. What can I do? Do slider controls exist for 2013? or is there a Non ActiveX slider solution? Any thoughts (or commiserations) appreciated...
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    Question Append Problem

    Driving me mad!! I select records from a table based on criteria: < Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [tblLVRWrittenStatements] WHERE [tblLVRWrittenStatements].[seedrsID] = " & seedrsIDVar & "") > I now want to append these filtered records to another...
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    Question Path to Sharepoint site?

    Hi all, I have a back end of split database (the tables) on Microsoft Sharepoint. I have used: < DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", FullpathToHoldFile, acTable, strOldTable, strNewTable, False > to import tables from a local database (< FullPathToHoldFile > is the path to...
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    SQL INSERT INTO Difficulty with use of variable

    Hi All, Can anyone help here: Public strOldTable,strNewTable as string OldTable has data, NewTable is empty but with same field structure. I assign names of tables to these variables and attempt to fill up the NewTable with the data from the OldTable using : DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO ('" &...
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    How to Delete TMPCLP files

    Does anyone know how to get rid of the list of files in my database which are labelled <Form_~TMPCLPetc.> ? They appear when in Code view in the nav pane and don't seem to be required. Thanks....
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    Question DCount problem

    Can anyone help here: Table is named tblLVR Field is BusinessName I want to check the previous existence of this name in the table. I assign a variable tBusVar to the entered name on it's changed event and write the following code to see if it is already in:- If DCount("[BusinessName]"...
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    Question Search for Highlighted text in RTB

    Is there a way of searching a rich text box for any text which is highlighted and then deleting that text? I cannot find an answer to this anywhere..
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    Question Use variable between HTML tags

    I hope this is the right place to post this question: TextBox1 is Rich Text:- I want to replace my String ("Evidence required of this please" ) in this code 1) following which works fine, with a variable (textToPaste) as in code 2) which doesn't work. 1) TextBox1 = "<div><font...
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    Search in a report

    Can anyone help with this? I have a report with a lot of names. I can order them alphabetically but there is a lot of scrolling or clicking to get to the name (with the info.) that I want. Is there a method of inputting say a letter to jump to the first name in the report with that letter?
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    Question SQL ORDER BY Difficulty with syntax

    Can someone rescue me! - 4 days of trying everything and everywhere but defeated at last. Me.RecordSource = "select * from [tblLVRStatements] where [tblLVRStatements]![clientID] = " & clientIDVar & "ORDER BY [tblLVRStatements]![NumberStatement]" Above is just one of my many attempts! not to...
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    Question check for empty option group field

    Hi All, I have an simple option group (3 options 1,2 and3!!) I am building a query where I need to display records whose option group field in the table is empty. I have tried: field = Int(0) field = "" field = null isempty(field) do not work - what am I missing?
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    Question Filter a function return value

    I can't find this anywhere. I have a function which I want to return the value of a field. Public Function fieldValue(tblName As String, fldName As String) Dim drs As Recordset Set db = CurrentDb Set drs = db.OpenRecordset(tblName) fieldValue = drs.Fields(fldName).Value drs.Close Set drs =...
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    Question Error 3464

    "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" Error 3464 I get this on the <DoCmd.OpenForm "frmWrittenStatements"> in my code. How on earth are any criteria attached to this? The form exists. Can anyone help?
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    Question Non Editable Textbox Problem

    This is driving me crazy!:banghead: I have a simple form with a textbox whose controlsource I get from function: < Public ControlSourceName as String Public Function getControlSourceName() getControlSourceName = ControlSourceName End Function > I set the controlsource of the textbox to...
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    Question Best book to learn SQL

    Hi All, Can anyone recommend a good book from which to learn SQL? Not too esoteric and with plenty of examples (including all the double quotes, single quotes, brackets etc.) I have been able to get a certain amount of knowhow (from this site mainly) but need to advance my abilities (!:o.)...
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    Cannot scroll with mouse in subform

    Why can't I scroll with the mouse wheel in a subform?
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    Question SQL Delete Problem

    Struggling with this one: I need an SQL statement to delete all records in a recordset which have an empty field (text field). strSQL = "DELETE FROM [tblLVRWrittenStatements] " & _ "WHERE [clientName] = '" & "" & "'" CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError I have tried with (above) and...
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    Hyperlinks to Bookmarks

    Hi All 1 quick question with respect to hyperlinks in an Access Form: I have successfully hyperlinked a word document from my Access Form. However, I can't seem to work out how to go to a particular bookmark within such word document. I want the user to click on the hyperlink called '3.1' in...
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    Question Syntax for applying filter to navigation button

    I am going crazy with this; I have a navigation form containing several forms. The forms are set to a table and the controls are set to the appropriate fields. I need to filter the data to the forms (in the navigation pane to field "BusinessName" passed as the variable lvrName) I have ...
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    Hosting Database on Office 365

    The following is the setup of the Access Database I have created: - Access 2010 Database with several tables and forms. - The Database will be used by multiple users simultaneously - The Database has been published to Office 365 (sharepoint) without being split. - I create a separate 'user...
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