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  1. S

    Versin Problems

    Re: Version Problems Thank you will give it a try!
  2. S

    Versin Problems

    Anyone using 2010 but have users in 2007? I have a user who can not access some of the items in the new database...I can't seem to find a feature that will let me save it into a lower version. HELP!
  3. S

    What mood are you in today?

  4. S

    Conditional Formatting Issue

    No code just the conditional format rules manager: used the DateAdd It worked Thank you!
  5. S

    Conditional Formatting Issue

    Value < Date() format Red Value Is Between Date() and Date() +30 format Blue Value Is Between Date() +30 and Date() +60 format Yellow Value Is Between Date() +60 and Date() +90 format Green Thank you!
  6. S

    Conditional Formatting Issue

    Yes it is correct.
  7. S

    Conditional Formatting Issue

    I am trying to complete what should be a very simple conditional format, but for some reason Access 2010 is not reading my dates correctly. I have to condition <than today, today + 30, between 30/60 days and between 60/90 days. Access is not reading the year, i.e. it is picking up the year...
  8. S


    Hi All, I am Sherry. I am from Alabama in the US. I am a Configuration Manager who uses Access to organize and track my data I need for status accounting. I have never been on or used a forum site, so I am hoping for help and possibly be of help. I am in my 5th week of P90X, tough program! :)...
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