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  1. J

    Show more than 1 result on a textbox

    Thank you for the answer Mr. B, I have this code: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Windows(1).WindowState = xlMaximized Sheets(1).Activate Unload UserForm3 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.ColumnCount = 5 ComboBox1.RowSource = "Comp!G2:G10000" ComboBox1.BoundColumn = 0...
  2. J

    Show more than 1 result on a textbox

    Hey People, My question is: I have 5 colums and the fifth is de Part-Number of a spare-part, I create a Combobox that we can select all the part-number presents on colum 5. When we select 1 part-number in a textbox below apears the machine where the part is present. But, this is the...
  3. J


    Hey everyone, my name is josé and im studying mechanical engineering in Oporto (Portugal)
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