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  1. S

    Dynamic Combo Boxes

    Thanks so much! It works!!! :)
  2. S

    Dynamic Combo Boxes

    I've attached the database. The combo box isn't locked and the control source is the department table.
  3. S

    Dynamic Combo Boxes

    I was able to requery and when I choose make a decision in my first combo box it fills my second correctly, i.e. when I choose a College it filters the Departments appropriately. However now I have run into a separate issue. The second combo box is filled correctly but I am unable to choose...
  4. S

    Dynamic Combo Boxes

    Hello, I'm trying to create dynamic combo boxes in my form. I have a table labeled College which holds the names of all of the Colleges at a University and then I have another table labeled Department which holds all of the Departments and subsequent colleges to those departments. I created a...
  5. S

    Access Validation Rule Help

    It worked great! Thank you so much for your help!!! I re-created the combo boxes and left them unbound, and changed all of the Field names eliminating the spaces and all non-alpha characters. Thanks again!
  6. S

    Access Validation Rule Help

    The control source of the combo box is the LastName field. When I created the combo box which is basically the search box, I clicked on the option "find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my combo box" and selected the LastName field. The row source for the combo box is...
  7. S

    Access Validation Rule Help

    Question: Access Validation Rule Help Hello everyone. So I am new to Access and self taught. The depth of my knowledge comes from forums, youtube, and Microsoft help pages. I am in no way a programer, but am somewhat tech savvy. With that in mind, I have created a database that captures...
  8. S

    Hi There

    Hello everyone. I am new to signing up and posting on this Access forum, but I have used it many times in the past year when I have had questions about Access. I had never used Access until about a year ago when I was given a task to collect and in some way store student information and...
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