Search results

  1. soundsfishy

    setting a button on a subrm if is new record

    I have a form that opens in 2 mode, add and edit. How do I use invisible.false on a cmdbutton that is located on the subform when the form is opened in add data mode. currently when users click the addnewclient button on another form the client form is blank for data entry. If the Edit client...
  2. soundsfishy

    Opening a form via combobox in a subfrm

    I have a Products form that has a subformwhich list manufactures etc. In the subform theres a combobox where users can change the manufacture The list is has its control source as ManufacturerID. I want to be able to select a manufacturer the subform to bring up the matching id in the...
  3. soundsfishy

    Trim the last four characters in a string

    someone idot in our dept didnt create separate fields for an address. At the moment they have a one field that stores the whole address e.g 17 White Street Fairfield 3014. What I need to do for the time being is extract the zip codes and store in a zipcode field in the same table. Im kinds...
  4. soundsfishy

    exporting to excel sample DB

    I found this great little DB that imports data form excel to a DB. What I would like to do is the opposite by using a the record set from a query. Ideally whatI'd love to do is export the records from the query into a specified xls sheet that that dont already exist in the spreed sheet.
  5. soundsfishy

    first time using Tranfer spreadsheet

    Ok . I did a search on Trasnfer Spreadsheet and found the following that probably best suit what im trying to do ( i think). DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "tblClients", CurrentProject.Path & "\MySpreadSheet.xls" Now! what Im trying to do is export a record whilst...
  6. soundsfishy

    validation code

    what I want to is check to see if the Client number on the current form from tblClients matches the same number in another table. If the number doesnt exist in tblproposerMPMS , I wanted to let the user know that a referral cannot be generated until the client number has been entered. Is there...
  7. soundsfishy


    Ive split my DB and now Im trying to add a Logoff function that I got from RogerAccessLibrary. I have a logon form and I want to add the code on this form. The form checks a field every 5 minutes and lauches a message form. I need to have my LogOn form as hidden after the user enters the...
  8. soundsfishy

    its splitting time

    Ok ! im at the same where I have no choice but to split the DB to avoid data corruption. I made a copy to test it and used the wizard to it for me. I place the backend on the server which is our G:\ and the Front end the my C:\ When I place the Fe on my C:\ I was still able to view the data...
  9. soundsfishy

    closing a form

    I have a search form and when the user click the name in the results, I need to form to close. I cant seem to make the search form close after frmProposerMain is opened. What am i missing! Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "frmProposerMain"...
  10. soundsfishy

    using list box to open a record

    im trying to open a record from a selection in a list box but seem to have a little difficulty making it work. I want the user to click on search and type a name to find a name that they want and then double click to open that record. Can someone tell what Im doing wrong.
  11. soundsfishy

    display message showing if report is blank

    I have a report based on a query that gets its data from 2 tables. The report is then converted in as a word doc . On my form a have a button that opens the report that inserts all the data by using the following DoCmd.OpenReport "rpwordthousehold", acViewPreview, , "[DIMAID] = " & Me.DIMAID...
  12. soundsfishy

    detecting a corrupt record

    Is there any way I can find which record is corrupting a table. The corrupted record is causing problems in importing the table to another DB and as well as compacting. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. soundsfishy

    is reason why an autonumber would jump e.g from 2285 to 4025

    Due to a corruption my records somewhere I was unable compact the db. I tried importing the data and did a compact. No problems except when I tried adding a new record on a form. When I added a record the autonumber jumped from 2285 to 4000. Is there any reason why this would have happened.?
  14. soundsfishy

    to have null fields on a customised msgbox

    I need a piece of code that alerts users after they have click the save button that some field havent been field in. The fields are not mandatory. I need the null fields displayed in the message What im after is something like this; Private Sub btnSave_Click() Dim strOfficer As String Dim...
  15. soundsfishy

    If newRecord

    Ive search thru the forum and havent found anything that would suit my needs I need to add an If statement to a form if its is a new record. If the MPMS field in the subform is null , i want a message telling that they cannot save or exit until a value is entered. If has been entered then do...
  16. soundsfishy

    if is possible to use an If statement with Select Case

    I want to add to a Message box asking if users want make changes after click an option in an Option Group I need to incorporate something like this into select case after a selection has been made eg If Case1 is selected , I need MsgBox to appear asking if the user want to make changes to a...
  17. soundsfishy

    this is annoying me.: Currency

    Im trying at add $450.25 but it wont let me. What am I doing wrong. I searched thru the forum but it didnt help. Ive never had to use currency formatting so Im not sure what Im doing.
  18. soundsfishy

    message box - layout

    Im trying to add 3 options in a message box informing the user what the need to if a condtion has been met. Im not sure how to display its within the message box. I want message to look something like this; Duplicate Record Found: This SSN has already been assigned. Solution 1. Find the...
  19. soundsfishy

    store a value from a form to a lookup table

    Im using a form to add details to a table called tblFishDetails. This table has all the information relating fish that are captured by Angler. Each fish caught has a unique value in this table. On my form there is field called txtChipNo that gets its values from a lookUp table called...
  20. soundsfishy

    what wrong with this easy code

    After the message is displayed I need the focus to be set to the field that is not completed . The form is closing before the Unit size can be completed. If IsNull(Me.UnitSize) Or Me.UnitSize = 0 Then MsgBox "This field is mandatory", vbOKCancel Me.Unit_Size.SetFocus Exit Sub Else DoCmd.Close...
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