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  1. D

    Form with subform: The main form updates the table when the user has not validated

    Generally speaking when you link a child record to a parent record you need to create a parent record first. So in your example it works ok if you select the supplier first and then select your product names. You will notice that the ID for the main form remains "New "until you select a...
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    make start form

    Have a look at this - it pretty good.[/URL]
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    Ms Access goes to another record after requery

    Hi, not entirely sure what you are aiming for however you could try this.... DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew on the onload event of the form, or on the form properties Data/DataEntries/Yes this restricts the form to new entries only. You could also use allowedits = no so that although...
  4. D

    Form with subform: The main form updates the table when the user has not validated

    Have a look at the frmstock. My amendments in yellow and a function button which has the code behind it. I have also added a few new fields to tblstock and tblstock2 and altered the relationship between these to reflect the join with the auto id. so that yo have a PO identifier I have made a...
  5. D

    Subform only shows first match

    In database tools, a link between your main table and sub table. For every one record in Main Table you may have many records in sub table. Draw the link to show a one to many, right click the joint and edit relationship to show "include all from Main table and only those...
  6. D

    Form with subform: The main form updates the table when the user has not validated

    ..Just looked at how you generate your PurchaseID, its not an autonumber as I thought and I realise now what you mean. I think though that the method you are using is going to give you issues as the ID is only unique if the number of records increases. As you said , if you delete one the next...
  7. D

    Form with subform: The main form updates the table when the user has not validated

    If you are using an autonumber to create your purchase id then when deleted it will never raise another id of the same number, i.e if you delete ID, "9" then a new record would take on ID="10". the "9" record is lost forever. The error message you are talking about is probably the one referring...
  8. D

    Form with subform: The main form updates the table when the user has not validated

    You could use a dcount function to check how many records exist in tblstock2 for each instance of ProductID on an event line, be it a save button or maybe lose focus. If there are less than 1 then run an SQL command line to delete the corresponding empty record in TblStock. This will mean though...
  9. D

    Subform requery anomaly

    Dave, This will happen..requerying will default any subform back to the first record..however here is a solution. On the event where you are requerying the main form put in this code. I wrote this to cope with a subform within a subform within a main form. Dim DelReccount As Integer...
  10. D

    Total from subforms

    look up the "Dsum" function....
  11. D

    Button on a continuous form.

    controls on a continuous form will perform the same operation regardless of which record they are on...what you need to do is build in to the on-click event a conditional email event...i.e email record with ID=Me! will only see one id and that will be the current record......maybe?????
  12. D

    Validation Rule

    Just give us a bit more info... Is there an input form..what is the data source...what is your table relationship??? what do you mean by HTML format?
  13. D

    how to set update for database application ?

    I assume you have the dbase locked down,i.e Navigation Bar and design rights removed. Also use the Shift By-Pass function. Then you could on the auto exec form run a bit of code to check the date. something like..... If me![date]= #12/12/13# then msgbox "licence someone etc...
  14. D

    User access 2010

    This is an over simplified explanation to get you on the way.. First you need a log in form to recognise which user is logged in. Have the database open into this form using the auto exec. Hide the nav bar, to avoid people by passing the form. There are many ways to build a log in..again a...
  15. D

    Question Text box on form: how can I make textbox date default to previous record

    Create a Table .Call it TblDateStore. have 2 fields, a primary, auto number field [ID], and a field called [lastDate] On the After Update event of the date field (I'll call it [date]) you are interested input.. Dim SQLNewItem As String DoCmd.SetWarnings False SQLNewItem = "insert into...
  16. D

    Question Access DateDiff Function Trouble - Help!

    Try =DateDiff("d",#11/25/13#,#11/15/13#) the square brackets you were using would suggest there was a control named 11/25/13 and 11/15/13 , rather than these being actual dates. =DateDiff("d",[date1],[date2]) will work if you have two controls named date1 and date2. Cheers D
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    Create a field named RecordEdited..give it a date format. on the beforeupdate event of the form type If Me.Dirty = True Then Me!RecordEdited = Now() End If
  18. D

    display "enter date"

    A simple solution is to enter @;"enter date" in the "format" property of the text box.
  19. D

    Unwanted Extra Record In Subform

    The form is set to AllowAdditions=false to avoid the "*" new record line at the bottom of the form. I then have 2 command buttons which depending on the user and the parent job status allows 2 types of records to be created with the fields populated accordingly through a DoCmd Run SQL update...
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    Unwanted Extra Record In Subform

    I have a continuous subform with allow additions set to false. To make a new record I have used some update vba to create the record direct in the underlying query, then requery the form and the partly created record appears. The user then adds a quantity and some text. The subform still appears...
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