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  1. Ceejay64

    Switchboard Manager

    Thanks for following up on your post! I had the same problem, but your shortcut did the trick! I appreciate it :)
  2. Ceejay64

    24 hour time problem

    This works for me. I got it from another topic here on the board... Hours: IIf(((([endtime]-[starttime])*1440)<0),((([endtime]-[starttime])*1440)+1440),(([endtime]-[starttime])*1440))/60 Works fine on 24-hr military time
  3. Ceejay64

    Need help with a nested IIf in a query (Access 2007)

    Thanks, namliaM! Just what i needed! You Rock!
  4. Ceejay64

    Need help with a nested IIf in a query (Access 2007)

    both are numbers
  5. Ceejay64

    Need help with a nested IIf in a query (Access 2007)

    Anything other than 7.5 is paid clock. Confusing, I know. Thanks for the help, namliam. I copied and pasted the formula you provided, but now I'm getting "#error" in every row, regardless of shift. I'm gonna play with it a little more... there may be some other way to capture this anomaly.
  6. Ceejay64

    Need help with a nested IIf in a query (Access 2007)

    I have a table in which we put clock in and clock out times for employees that tracks weekend coverage (plus all other relevent ee info). I have done a query that calculates the hours the ee is at work, which is functioning just fine, but in order to properly calculate "paid hours" I need to...
  7. Ceejay64

    Combo Box list item to Textbox

    allrighty, then... i made a brand new form exactly like the old one, entered the same code in the afterupdate event, and it works perfectly fine on the new form. go figure. Thanks for the help, guys! don't know why it wasn't working on the other one, but the delete key works just fine. :)
  8. Ceejay64

    Combo Box list item to Textbox

    how do I do (or where do I put) the debug.print me.employee.column(2) thing?
  9. Ceejay64

    Combo Box list item to Textbox

    i did the trusted location add thing, but nothing changed. I still get the same error msg ( "Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name"). I never had this kind of trouble with Access 2003 or 2000 (ps - that would be HER syntax. LOL)
  10. Ceejay64

    Combo Box list item to Textbox

    This is making me nuts. I have scoured this forum, and tried everything I've seen as far as writing this event, but it's still not working. All I want to do is take items in the list of information in the selected row of a combobox and pass it to a text box. I'm stuck with Access 2007, and if...
  11. Ceejay64

    Error with Linked Table

    i would love to, but it has some company-sensitive information in it... If i get a chance tomorrow to make a copy and empty it out, I'll send it to you. i'm on my way out the door right now. thanks for your help!!
  12. Ceejay64

    Error with Linked Table

    Neither suggestion worked, but it definitely has something to do with the links. i had no error messages or misbehavior when it was sitting in the db that i was working in; only with it linked. obviously, i'm going to have to find a way to keep it local. crazy. thanks for all your help! i...
  13. Ceejay64

    Error with Linked Table

    tblWeekend_Coverage no special characters, and not the only table I have with an underscore. the others work fine. Nothing special in the field names, and no spaces.
  14. Ceejay64

    Error with Linked Table

    i already removed all the data in it, so there isn't anything to be corrupt. it's still a work in process, so it didn't have any "real" info in it yet. No probs with the primary key field. i did have the issues when it had data in it, so i get it both ways. i'm about ready to trash the whole...
  15. Ceejay64

    Error with Linked Table

    and yet, i can't find anything wrong with it. and access fails to fix it when i try to repair and compact. just kicks out the error and logs it into an error table. meh.
  16. Ceejay64

    Error with Linked Table

    I keep getting this error whenever a particular table is linked (including after splitting the database): '|' is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what is going on with...
  17. Ceejay64

    Access 2007 spilt on server

    Thank you!!:o
  18. Ceejay64

    Access 2007 spilt on server

    this is going to sound ridiculous, but i can't find the splitting utility in access 2007... can anybody direct me to it? i'm not terribly thrilled with the new access. :(
  19. Ceejay64

    Multiplication Expression

    Oh, man. Am I a goof... Yes, everything was actually working correctly, I just made a stupid error. I had it set to Long Integer and what I needed was actually Double. It was rounding, and the amounts were actually rounding to zero. It was working fine most all of the time. :o I feel like...
  20. Ceejay64

    Multiplication Expression

    OK...I'm halfway there... by unbinding the textbox from the query, the formula works fine as posted by Rak. Now, I just need to pass the value to the table. Should I pass it to another textbox that is bound to the material quantity field of my table? Whaddya think is the best method? Thanks a...
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