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  1. R

    Streets and Trips

    No, I wasn't able to find a solution to the integration. I jus' had the application start streets and trips and from there i gave the user directions on how to get the addresses from the database..Wasn't a very critical requirement so never gave it much importance since i didn't get any feedback...
  2. R

    Create and Edit Image in Access

    Hello Seargent, I don't think i can store the signature on file. It is confidential information that should not be required more than once. Storing it once gives a person a chance to use the signature again which is not permitted since its a PGE project. Come on people..Wake up and provide some...
  3. R

    Create and Edit Image in Access

    Hello! All, I need to store a customer signature in the database so that we can take a print out at a later time. I don't know how to go about doing this and thought that creating and editing an image within an access form should be a good option. But I don't know how to go about doing that...
  4. R

    RecordSet, MoveLast? Copy? Apply to Shell command?

    what does bad post mean? -Rishi
  5. R

    Latitude and Longitude Problem

    I had a problem with not knowing how to map my Streets and trips software with Access 2002. I have the addresses in a table and now wish to be able to start Streets and trips from an access form loaded with the addresses as pushpins on the map. Could you help me with that? Rishi
  6. R

    RecordSet, MoveLast? Copy? Apply to Shell command?

    I had a questiong related to this which i have jus' posted under the thread "Streets and trips". I need to start my Streets and trips application from Access. The path to the Application file is "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Streets and trips". What command should i execute? Rishi
  7. R

    RecordSet, MoveLast? Copy? Apply to Shell command?

    i dunno if i understand it the best..But looks like u shud add the sentence Shell ("C:\Windows\Ping.exe -t " & command_string), 1
  8. R

    Streets and Trips

    I need to connect to Streets and trips from access and looked around the various discussion forums but invain. I am not new to Access but am comparatively new to accessing/merging other programs through access. What i am looking for is to be able to start the Streets and trips application and...
  9. R

    Weekly Calendar view

    I have a schedule table where in I schedule technicians for various jobs. I need to view the schedule table entries for the current week in the same way like in outlook calendar. Is there an activeX component that would help me display my data, from the schedule table, for a given period...
  10. R

    microsoft jet database engine stopped the process

    Guess what..I got the solution..Phew i am relieved..I had my friend help me. All it was that in the query associated with the form recordset, there was a field from another table whose entry was not suppose to be deleted but was just meant to be referenced. So i just unchecked the field and it...
  11. R

    microsoft jet database engine stopped the process

    i didn't know there was any such mark in Access that denotes a record lock. In any case, i opened the form and went to the particular record and then opened up the table to see if there really was any such mark, but there was no such mark.
  12. R

    microsoft jet database engine stopped the process

    i tried that too rite now..Also i deleted other sub-forms, accessing the same table, and tried the delete..But it still didn't work. Wonder what the reason could be..I got a list of solutions from and tried the applicable (3197)...
  13. R

    microsoft jet database engine stopped the process

    i kind of jus' read that..But in the concerned table, there is no bit data type. there was jus' one extra field which was not being used and i deleted that field but the message still remains the same..
  14. R

    microsoft jet database engine stopped the process

    I read that page earlier..But didn't know what a bit data type in access 2002 is.
  15. R

    microsoft jet database engine stopped the process

    I have a tabbed form with subforms which in-turn have subforms. I am able to load the data in the fields the way i want to through queries and ADO code. On adding data in the form, it updates 3 tables. In 1 table it is done automatically thru' the access connection between tables and forms...
  16. R

    Access 2002 - Accessing Subform controls

    The tab on which i put the subform/subreport control is Page58 while the subform/subreport control doesn't really have a name. It currently has the name of the form in the control name.
  17. R

    Access 2002 - Accessing Subform controls

    Hi! All, I am working on Access 2002. I have a tabbed form where i put a subform/subreport control and linked the subform/subreport control to a form (namely "Installed Measures"). The form i have has subforms. I need to access the controls on the subforms. I followed the book on Access 2000 and...
  18. R

    Mouse Scroll

    Hi! I have forms linked to the database directly. The mouse i use has a scroller in the center. On using the scroller on the mouse, to scroll up-down the form, it actually scrolls through the records in the connected table which is very annoying. Is there a way to get rid of this. Rishi.
  19. R

    Form Loading too slow

    So where do i need to refer to inorder to view the samples for populating forms with records. Could you suggest please. Thanx for all your help so far.
  20. R

    Form Loading too slow

    I don't know how to do that. I am jus' using the checkboxes to avoid creating/using too many subforms. Also i am already too deep into the project to make any big changes. So i was looking to jus' put the "on current" code for each form in a different place to speed up the data loading process...
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