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    A Tale of Two Tables

    I have one table TestDataFcstTime_97.xls where time was forecasted for some projects we're working on. The second table TestDataActualTime_97.xls is the time that was actually recorded for projects. In the forecasted table, the weeks are the column headings; in the Actual table the weeks are...
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    Year Over Year Variance #Error

    I am trying to do a very simple calculation in a query to determine year over year variance displayed as a percentage: TotYoYVar%: ([2016FcstTotal]-[2015Total])/[2015Total] How can I prevent Access from returning a result of #Error when [2015Total] is 0?
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    Can There Be Too Many Parameters?

    Below is a simple parameter query that I created, however the end users don't think it is useful as is. What they'd like to see is the current parameter to remain in place, but also to be able to select any combination of months for comparison. In other words, for example, what if I (the end...
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    Import from Salesforce into Access

    I generate reports in Salesforce that then have to be exported to Excel then imported into Access 2007 (yes, I know...we are STILL using 2007), but I am looking to cut out the middleman by importing directly from Salesforce into Access 2007? What is the process?
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    Design Changes to an ACCDE

    So I've created my DB, split it, housed the backend on a shared drive, and converted the frontend to an ACCDE file. Each month, I will need to make small changes to the design of about 5 of the queries before refreshing the data. What's the best way to do this? I'm pretty sure I don't have to...
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    Front End Bloat Keeps Happening

    I have read that I shouldn't set up an automatic compact on Close for my split db. But each time I open the front end and run the macros, the front end swells to 57MB. Then I manually run a Compact, it goes down to 16.7MB which is still too big to email. What can I do?
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    Objects Are Weird After Unsplitting the DB

    I split a db then had to undo it in order to make some changes to a some tables. Now that I rejoined the front and backends, some of the objects are behaving peculiarly. For instance when I go into the design of a macro, the window opens minimized. When I maximize it, it opens up in the database...
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    Shared Drive Woes on the Backend

    I have split my database and the BE is sitting in a folder one level down on a shared network drive. It's slow but works.....most of the time. The problem is that everyday when I boot up my pc, initially there's a red X over my shared drive location. Once I double click it, it "activates" it...
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    Data Definition Query No-Go with Linked Tables

    I have a simple data definition query that I use to add a Primary Key to a table. It worked fine when the tables are all local but now that I have split the database and the tables are linked, I get an error message when I try to run the data definition query. Any workaround?
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    Make-Table Macro for Dummies (No Code)

    I need to record a macro that runs a make-table query, that answers "Yes" to the prompts, and that closes so that the next query in sequence can run. From a few links I've Google'd looks like you have to write some code for that but I know nothing about writing VBA code. Workaround?
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    Front End Opens for Me, But Not Others

    I split a database and the backend location is on a shared network drive. And even though it takes minutes longer than it should, the front end does open. But when I emailed the 1MB front end to one end user, she got an error message that says it is "not a valid path". What might I be doing...
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    Not Really a Subreport but....

    I have 4 reports in Access 2007 that I have created. They are not very large; each report is about 10 rows with about 18 fields--they are all the result of Crosstab queries I created to mimic an old spreadsheet. In Excel, you can just copy & paste and place all 4 datasets into one worksheet...
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    Switchboard before Split? or nah?

    I am almost finished creating this Access 2007 database and will have to split it and load it onto a shared drive. My question is simple: should the split occur AFTER I have created and finished my switchboard menu of items?
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    Ive Got the Many-to-Many Blues

    I have 3 tables that I pulled from external sources, none of which came with ID fields or primary keys. I ran a simple sql statement on all three tables to add primary keys. The three tables are: tblRevByDirMgr tblAssumpByDirMgr and tblSFADetailByDirMgr. Each table has many fields that are...
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    Data Type Mismatch, I Don't See it

    If both sets of fields that are being joined are text fields, why is there a data type mismatch error? SELECT qry932_SFADetailAddMRCNRC.DirFirstName, qry932_SFADetailAddMRCNRC.DirLastName, qry932_SFADetailAddMRCNRC.EmployeeNo, qry932_SFADetailAddMRCNRC.MgrFirstName...
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    Why is this query producing duplicates in the ForecastAmount field? SELECT qryAssumptions.AssumpDate, qryAssumptions.ProdRevTypeMatch, [AssumpAmt]+Nz([RevenueAmt]) AS ForecastAmount FROM (qryAssumptions LEFT JOIN sub_LastRevenueDates ON (qryAssumptions.ProdRevTypeMatch =...
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    If Then Error, Wrong # of Arguments

    I am on the first portion of a long IF Then statement and I can't even get the first portion to work. The error is "wrong number of arguments". Please tell me what I am doing wrong. ProjRevMRC: IIf([Rev Lag]=30 And [ProjRevDate]<=...
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    How to Make The Right Numbers Add Up

    I have 2 query results. qryRevenue Revenue_Month(text) Revenue_Year (number) RevenueMoYr (text) RevenueDate (date) SL_Bucket (text) SL_Prod (text) ProdRevType (text) Revenue Amount (number) qryAssumptions Assumption_Month (text) Assumption_Year (number) AssumpMoYr (text) AssumptionDate...
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    Adding Amt to Previous Month's Amt

    I have 2 queries. The results of Query1 are: Revenue_Month (text) Revenue_Year (number) RevenueDate (Date) Legacy_Bucket (text) Legacy_Prod (text) ProdRevType (text) RevenueAmt (number) Query2 Results: Assumption_Month (text) Assumption_Year (number) AssumpDate (date) Legacy_Bucket (text)...
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    Convert 3-char month & year to Date

    I have 2 columns that are listed as such: AssumptionMo AssumptionYr MAY 2014 JUN 2015 JUL 2015 OCT 2016 I need to create a field called AssumpDate that converts the month into a date field on the 1st day of the month...
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