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  1. N

    Copy Data from Main Form to Subform

    Hi Pat, Thanks for the tips about the field name. This a database that was built by someone else and now I have to make changes. I have started to go back and rename fields to meet normalization rules. I will try the code you gave me...
  2. N

    Copy Data from Main Form to Subform

    I have a main form that populates data into table “tblCollectionTracking” and a sub form that populates data into table “tblCostRequest”. The relationship between the two tables is 1 to many. When the user clicks on the “Cost Request” button in the main form the sub form “frmCostRequestForm”...
  3. N

    Button Back Color change

    Is it possible that once the command button "Send Cost Request" in red is pressed it will change to green?
  4. N

    Send Email if field has a date

    I have a form that one user will enter data in the first 3 fields. Then a second user will enter the date once the request is complete. I was wondering if is it possible that after the complete date is entered an email is sent to the first user. I have attached a screenshot of the form.
  5. N

    open multiple forms when the database opens

    Thank you very much for your help. It worked !!!
  6. N

    open multiple forms when the database opens

    I have 3 forms that I use a lot through out the day. I was just wondering if I can have all of them open when I start the database. I am trying to reduce the number of buttons I have to click. I have attached a picture of the forms.
  7. N

    open multiple forms when the database opens

    Is it possible to open multiple forms when the database opens? Currently only one form opens. I am using Access 2010. Thank you, Nelson
  8. N

    Question Searchable Artwork Database

    We have a database that has the records of the artwork that we own. (We are a textile company). This database is used mainly to record any new artwork that we buy and to add information such as size, category, style, etc. We now want to be able to link all the scan images for this artwork to...
  9. N

    importing fields from one report to another

    I have report [ProjectView] that contains info on all the projects we do and it calculates different data. I have a second report [ProjectViewSummary] that I need show as a summary. I want to have a calculated field from report [ProjectView] appear in report [ProjectViewSummary]. Is this possible?
  10. N

    How to not print a report if there is no data

    I created a button to automatically print a report once clicked. Can I have it not print if there is no data? I have attached the image of the macro I used for the onClick event.
  11. N

    Can a form be linked to a table and query?

    I have a form (PatternForm) whose record source is a table. This form is used to enter data into this table. The data is entered in the light blue, light purple and pink areas depending on the user. I have added the green area to track the stage dates. Those dates will come from a query I...
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    Question Is Access 2010 stable?

    Pat how do I go about saving my tables and data so that it can be stored in SQL Server ?
  13. N

    Question Is Access 2010 stable?

    They offered Microsoft Project but I dont know how it would apply.
  14. N

    Question Is Access 2010 stable?

    I have created a database to track a large number of data in my department. This data is used to create reports so that we can track the progess of our workload and be able to accurately document how long it takes to do each project. We also use this database to eliminate the need for data...
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