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  1. Y

    Date Format

    That's worked! Thank you so much for you help! Much appreciated.
  2. Y

    Date Format

    Sub UpdateWOTable() 'Open DB connection Dim cnx As ADODB.Connection Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset Dim strsql, SO, ItemGrp As String Dim date_print As Date Dim date_finish As Date Dim date_proof As Date Dim nb_poses, qty_proof, stock_proof, stock_pvc, qty_pvc...
  3. Y

    Date Format

    Hello, The date format is dd/mm/yyyy. In the VBA there is a check to make sure the field is not null, if it is, the variable is set to '01/01/1900'. Before running the script to insert the data into the Access database, I put in a messagebox to make extra sure what the value was it was...
  4. Y

    Date Format

    Hi folks, I have an Access 97 database that is populated from an excel spreadsheet. The excel macro inserts the data into the database but access changes the date format. The field in Access has a format of dd/mm/yyyy and my regional settings are set to UK. The excel macro exports the...
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