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  1. C

    iPhone 5 or Samsung S3?

    The main reason I would never want an iPhone is the fanbase. Sure, some of the people actually use it for business and find it useful for emailing and such, but the majority of people I know it, literally bought it just to show they have one. Also, I wouldn't support a company that overprices...
  2. C

    Rental Database help

    I put the primary keys in red and foreign keys in orange tblGames GameID GameName Developer Director Genre Rating (Age) tblGamesCopies GCID GameID Console Active (boolean, to check if it's currently checked in or out) UnitPrice (I put this in the Copy table and not the Game table because I was...
  3. C

    Rental Database help

    I don't have an actual combo box in the table, I created a query that pooled the Game Name, along with the price and stuff from multiple tables and then made the combo box in a form with the query showing the values (I hope that made sense, I don't think I worded it well >.<)
  4. C

    Rental Database help

    Hi, i'm making a video game rental system for my A2 coursework and so far have made 4 tables, created a forum (and sub-forum) from a query pulling the relative sections from each table. My tables are: tblGames PK: GameID tblGamesCopy PK:GCID(game copy ID) FK: GameID tblRental PK: RentalID...
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