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  1. B

    TreeView of directory

    back to life after another year of hibernation... Great piece of code - does anyone have any ideas on how to modify it for selecting a back-up directory? Here's the background on what I'm trying to accomplish: Database is pslit into FE/BE and I'm using a modified backup code that copies and...
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    Form/subform Issues

    Thanks Uncle Gizmo! Some good info in there. I ended up taking the easy way out and just created a new query with today's date as the criteria. Not as efficient in the long run, but it will have to do for now. Bruce
  3. B

    Form/subform Issues

    This is a little unusual and I'm probably going about it in the wrong way but I'm still hoping someone out there can help... I have a main form (frmMain) with 3 subforms (subfrm_DE, subfrm_Today, subfrm_History). frmMain - Has all the customer details All of the subforms are based on the same...
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    date/now function

    Thanks guys. I really feel like an idiot now... I was using "Date" elsewhere just as you suspected. I'm blaming the cough medicine for me being a ding bat. :D
  5. B

    date/now function

    Any idea why Date() would be returning a null value in my db? I've used the function in the past on other dbs with no issues, but for some reason, nothing is returned. As a test, I have two message boxes pop up MsgBox "Now = " & Now MsgBox "Date = " & Date The 1st box displays "Now =...
  6. B

    Number pad... (or on screen keyboard)

    This is perfect. I needed a way to pull up the keyboard for multiple fields on multiple forms. I'm still a rookie with Access so I was duplicating way too much. Thanks much. Bruce
  7. B

    Number pad... (or on screen keyboard)

    Anyluck on this? I need to do something similar using a touch screen. Thanks. Bruce
  8. B

    Multi List Box Filter

    I found a work around... but I know this can be done better. I added the following code to re-query based on the multiple items selected in the lst box '------------------------------------------------------------ If gblMultiSelect = True Then Dim strMultiSelect As String Set lst =...
  9. B

    Multi List Box Filter

    I’ve got a list box based on a query generated on the fly (code below) that allows me to sort data in a number of ways. Right now, the list box does not support multi-select. I can open either one of the records or all. I really need to be able to pick and choose individual records. Bob...
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    Show date a subform was updated

    Hi All, I've got two subforms on my main form and I'd like to show the date any subform changes were made on the main page. It's easy enough to use the the form dirty event for any changes on the main form, but I can't figure out how to carry that over from the subforms. Any help would be...
  11. B

    There's got to be an easier way...

    I'v been playing with this for the last few days and have found work arounds to most of my issues, but it can still be done better. The database is a work in progress and far from being complete, but I figured I'd share what I have so far, with the hopes that someone out there has some ideas on...
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    Multiple subform records and MailMerge

    Another MailMerge question for you… I have a main form with multiple subforms, and in one case a nested subform that I’m attempting to export to MS Word using a slightly modified version of the MailMerge code that I found on this forum. So far, everything is progressing well, but I’m hung up...
  13. B

    Creating Doc from Access

    This is great. Any idea if it will work with nested sub-forms?
  14. B

    Design Question(s)

    Thanks dsigner. Linking the two together does make things a bit more sophisticated, but it will allow me to run queries on specific capabilities and a few other bells & whistles. Each proposal has different resume requirements (what type of info needs to be included, layout, etc) and I was...
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    Design Question(s)

    Thanks I'll give that a try. Once that's working, it will be interesting laying it out on a form for mailmerge to Word... Bruce
  16. B

    Design Question(s)

    I'm working on a database for storing employee resumes but am struggling to pull it together. I need to connect employees to employers to projects and am envisioning three tables: tblPersonnel (key ID_personel) - basic employee data tblEmployers (key ID_employers) - employer info, including...
  17. B

    check string length and run code...

    I can't read... I missed the ".text" on the end of me.barcodeID. Looks to be working now. Thanks for the help! Bruce
  18. B

    check string length and run code...

    still doesn't work... My code looks similar Private Sub BarCodeID_Change() If len(Me.BarCodeID) = 6 Then msgbox "The string is formatted" End If End Sub I'm using the message the box as a place holder until I can get it to recognize the changes in the text box. At this...
  19. B

    check string length and run code...

    Dumb question here... I'm scanning a 6 character barcode into an unbound text box. Once the barcode is scanned, the user has to hit a button to copy the data into a table. I'm trying to automate the process so the user does not have to do anything once the unbound text box contains the 6...
  20. B

    Automated Email Trouble

    Stepped through... and everything looks good, but still have problems (only on the laptop - everything works as expected on the desktop). Don't know what else to try. Bruce
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