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  1. C

    Expose column(1) rowsource of combo box bound to Junction table

    I have a very simple continuous form form with two fields which are bound to the two keys in the junction table sitting between the Customer table and the Pcode tables cboCusName - Rowsource is column(0) PK from customer table and column(1) the customer name cboPcode - Rowsource is column(0)...
  2. C

    Solved Keyword search - best method to stack the searches

    I have a main form with a number of subforms one of which is a continuous form for adding keywords about the parent record. There is a many to many relationsip between the two tables. I then Select the parent records by an SQL Inner Join (FK of the keyword added from combo on mainfrm) and that...
  3. C

    cmd Button on pg1 of Tab Control to open pg2 of Tab Control to same record

    I have a frmMain with a Tab Ctl named 'NavCtl' pg1 of my Tab Control is a continuous form and PK field is 'MasterIssID' and I would like to open the single form 'frmIssueDetails' display of that same record on pg2 I'm confused as I've read the docCmd.OpenForm is not the right method when...
  4. C

    Employee/Team/Teamleader relationships.

    Hi I'm using a real world example of what happens in my own company so I can try and improve my understanding of table relationships. THe scenario. We have multiple teams all doing similar work. Each team has a team leader and each team has a team name. A team leader only ever manages one...
  5. C

    Changing captions for TabCtl pages dynamically

    Hi, My main form has ContactID as PK. I have a TabCtl 'TabCtlPrimary' on the main form: i) Page 0 "pgOfficeLocations" has a sub form container "sfrmLocations" The sub form within it is a continuous form "sfrmLocations" It's PK is "LocationID" . The child/parent relationship with the...
  6. C

    save function value to specific row in a table

    I have a function of Allen Brownes that creates a concatenated string from user entry in a sub sub form, that string describes (by means of the various tags) the key content of the main record and its sub forms. The concatenated string needs to be saved...
  7. C

    Build a Tag cloud

    Hi all, I have no idea if this is possible or how complex it may become if it is possible. The idea is to build a tag cloud from from a number of different records which would then appear in a single memo field on a parent form. the Sub1 form has a control Tagtxt which a user populates...
  8. C

    referencing subform Control from within a second synchronised subfrom

    [SOLVED]:referencing subform Control from within a second synchronised subfrom I have a main form frmAddressEdit and two linked subforms (listed below) on that main form. The two subforms are synchronized by an unbound text box on the main form. sfrmIssueHeader is a continuous form and...
  9. C

    Normalize existing table containing data and copying PK value to FK in new table

    I am working from an existing database which is just two table. The main table has a massive amount of redundancy and duplication and needs splitting into, at first glance, 5 tables. After I have run my various make table queries and added a Primary Key and FK field to the new tables how do I...
  10. C

    strange loop behavior when switching to datasheet view

    All I am doing is changing view from AcForm to AcDatasheet from a subform. I can't replicate it when I build a simple Form/Subform (on a navigation form) so have had to strip out all but the form causing the issue in the database I'm actually building in the hope someone can see the issue...
  11. C

    RecordCount of current RecordSource

    I have a form which filters records by a number of different query. The query is selected from a combo box on the main form and this works fine. What I would like to do is prevent the recordsource from being changed to a query where there are no matched records. I've being playing with some...
  12. C

    Mix Expression and criteria in same field

    My query has a number of calculated fields which pass a value down the line and ultimately gives me a date. The final calculated field in the query is Date()+[DaysLeftToLim] AS LimFilter what I would like to do is filter the records using a criteria, in this case a number of days before the...
  13. C

    variable syntax in rs.Findfirst.

    Hi I am using the api fosusername() function as the source for my search in the FindFirst method. Dim Uname As String Dim rs As Object Uname = fOSUserName Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone rs.FindFirst "[UISID]" = Uname ' If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark...
  14. C

    Set recordsource by a list of queries in combobox

    I have a dozen or so queries which I intend to filter a main forms underlying data. This qry count will doubtless increase with development. Rather than have a dozen buttons on my form I'm trying to have a combo box list the names of the queries for the user and once a particular query has been...
  15. C

    Follow hyperlink from string

    The following code works but my instinct tells me this is not good coding and might cause me issues later, any suggestions? If it helps define the links will always be http:// links rather than file links. Private Sub WebLink_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) Dim myLink As String If Not...
  16. C

    For..Next question

    I have a validation routine behind cmd button 1. For Each ctl In Me.Controls If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctl.ControlType = acComboBox Then If Mid(ctl.Tag, 3, 1) = "£" And Trim(ctl & "") = "" Then ' i = 1 (my hairbrain idea) msg = "Data Required for '" &...
  17. C

    Compare multiple values in ctl.Tag using Like function

    Is it possible to use Like when comparing the value in a ctl.Tag I am trying to adapt the following validation routine so that it can be put behind a number of different command buttons to test for a different string in the tag property of the control. The code would be copied replacing the...
  18. C

    api username call to restrict record editing

    I am trying to restrict access to different records using the api username call. The function is the fosusername() code which I guess everyone will be familiar with. At the moment all controls on a record are locked unless: fosusername() = Me.TopicOwnerUserID This is all working fine...
  19. C

    Pass unbound form control to query

    Hi I have some pretty basic code on the form current event which after navigating a number of logical statements generates a date. that value is then reflected in an unbound control txtLimitationDate on my users form. i.e Me.txtLimitationDate.Value = LimitationDate I would however like...
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