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    Upsize from Access to SQL Server

    This is from MS:
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    Upsize from Access to SQL Server

    Hello! We are in need of upsizing our Access database (built on 2010 but I'm still on 2007) to SQL Server (I believe we have 2008 but it could be 2012). I'm told it's relatively easy but I am fairly new to Access and I know practically nothing about SQL. I've been reading about it on...
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    CountIf alternative for form

    Here you go. Thank you for spending so much time on this!
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    CountIf alternative for form

    Well in the Db with the real data, I have over 4,000 total entries (most are suspended users). It counts the users fine but the userGL1234 and userGL3456 are off and the latter considerably higher than it should be. For 1234, I get a count of 1687 but it should be 1683; for 3456 I get 1382 but...
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    CountIf alternative for form

    Okay, open frmCardMenu and you'll see at the bottom where my total counts are. I had to replace all of the records because they contain sensitive data so this is not giving the wrong counts (except where I put in your code). Perhaps you may still find a better way...
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    CountIf alternative for form

    Yes, I misspoke in my original post and reply. I am editing the control source of a control within a form. But still, your code returns nothing. Also, I shouldn't think it necessary to name the table as the data from said table is already populated into the form. Again, the current code...
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    CountIf alternative for form

    This returns nothing. Is this the correct syntax for Control Source in a form? I usually see brackets instead of quotes.
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    CountIf alternative for form

    Greetings! I have a form where I'm trying to display the count of records. Originally, the Control Source for the field that displays the count had the simple =Count([fieldName]) code but apparently it is counting fields containing an empty string. This field may have either a null value or...
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    Filter using wildcard

    I found another way to get what I'm looking for! There are two other fields in the form where one will be null and the other won't depending on the unit type so I just did: Forms![frmMenu]!sbfSubForm.Form.Filter = "locNP Is Not Null And locHost Is Null" And vice versa for the other toggle...
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    Filter using wildcard

    I still get the exact same results. Perhaps if you see my full code? Private Sub tglLocCurrent_Click() 'when changing form properties from a different form the ".Form." part is needed!!! Forms![frmMenu]!sbfSubForm.Form.Filter = "endDate Is Null"...
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    Filter using wildcard

    Well, it's better but the results are incorrect. My serialNumber field has numbers (stored as text) that either begin with an "8" and are 8-digits long or begin with a "5" and are 7-digits long. When I filter for the former, the list includes some beginning with "5" and do not include all that...
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    Filter using wildcard

    Hello! I am relatively new to vba but I am working on a database built by my predecessor and I need help with a form filter. This form currently has a filter with the code: Forms![frmMenu]!sbfSubForm.Form.Filter = "endDate Is Null" I want to add another filter that looks at a serial number...
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    MS Access - trouble passing variable to function for use in query

    There we go. Thank you so much for your help!
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    MS Access - trouble passing variable to function for use in query

    Okay, here's what I have now: Private Sub cmdClassReport_Click() Dim txtModelClass As String Dim strSQL As String Dim db As DAO.Database Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Set db = Application.CurrentDb Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qryCopiersByClass") txtModelClass = Nz(DLookup("[fleetModelClass]"...
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    MS Access - trouble passing variable to function for use in query

    I'm still getting an empty query. Now, my code is in a form class object whereas the function is in a module- would that be my problem?
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    MS Access - trouble passing variable to function for use in query

    Okay, so I'm using a form to launch a query and I need this query to set the criteria based on what is being viewed in the form. I've researched and found that in order to use a variable in a query, you have to pass it to a function. Here's my code for the form that sets the variable: Private...
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