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  1. G

    ERROR 3011 when exporting access qry to excel to create chart

    Hello I have a form with three txtboxes to query between dates, one to select Date1, other to select Date2, and another to type the value of a code. When exporting the file I need the file name as indicated in line "sExcelWB=.... dd_mm_yyyy_plot_qry_task.xls This is the code: Sub...
  2. G

    Export query from ms access to excel and create chart

    Hello I am trying to run a code to access-query-to-excel-2010-to-create-a-graph-via-vba. However, anytime the editor displays ERROR 91.:confused: I cannot see the final product. Moreover, I need the query and the chart in the same worksheet and save the file. 'Any help is welcome. This is the...
  3. G

    exported query to excel with dates range file name

    Hello On 03-25-2017 sneuberg gently helped me with above code. With this code I export a query to excel. If for example I search by day1 20_02_2018 and day2 20_02_2018 the code assign the exported file name as 20_02_2018_qry_01. I need the code to include in the exported file name the plot...
  4. G

    Combo box to display 5 charts and 3 single images

    Hello In Access 2013, I have a combobox that when selecting a value displays 5 charts, each chart based on query. I need in the same combo box that when selecting a value displays 5 charts and a unique image displayed for each value:banghead:. See example Each image is different and has a...
  5. G

    export query to excel and save file name with txt value

    In an MS Access Form I have 3 txtboxes to export querys to Excel txtboxd. User picks a day from ms access calendar as dd/mm/yyyy txtboxw. User enters week number as ww, yyyy txtboxm. User enters month, year (mmm, year) If user picks in textboxd 23_03_2017 I have a cmb with code to export query...
  6. G

    search for more than one parameter at a time

    Access 2010 Hello In criteria of a Query I have this SQL: Like [Forms]![FSearch].[qb1] & "*" This SQL is to write in a textbox one parameter at a time to search in a table I need to search for more than one parameter at a time and I have been trying to add to the SQL the operator OR or AND but...
  7. G

    listbox to open pdf file

    :confused:Hello everyone I have a query that opens a listbox in a form In the listbox I want to add a doubleclick event that opens a pdf file document with the selected record in it. The record is in column 1 of the listbox. The path of the pdf files is I can´t use the FollowHyperlink method of...
  8. G

    query for words

    Hello In a form I have an unbound textbox to search for a word stored in a table. The sql is: Like[Forms]![FSearch].[qPK] & "*". This sql statement works well and return all records from the table with the field related with qPK. How can I search in another unbound textbox for more than one...
  9. G

    New Member

    Hello All I am Gippsy and I live in Costa Rica. My hobbies are birdwatching and classical guitar. I am very interest in learning access and share my knowledgement in the forum Regards
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