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  1. E

    Solved Carriage Return within unbound Rich Text field that will append to a long text table field

    I would like my User to be able to use the Carriage Return as normal (ie without having to press [Ctrl]. at present, using the carriage return "tabs" to the next field. Once a User starts to type within the field (onGotFocus) they are effectively "trapped" within it and have to "Mouse" or "Tab"...
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    Solved DCount using a Dim reference

    I am looking to create a check to see if a concatenated field is already in a table. It works if my criteria is text but it doesn't work when I'm using a Dim concatenation. Here is my Code: Private Sub Command10_Click() Me.UniqCONCAT = (Me.CQRWeekNumber) & (Me.UserNametxt) & (Me.CQRSite) Dim...
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    Remove mouse-over text on an image

    Hi all I have an image attachment to my welcome form. The image is the users image. When I rest my mouse over the image I get the prompt: "Double-click to view or add attachments" I would like to remove this? I have tried to change the Data enabled/Locked for the image Restricted the data for...
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    adding my emoji

    Is it possible to have an image for each person in my database and for that to be shown on a form. ie. so when that person opens the database their image is shown. If you could point me in the right direction that would be great.
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    Get User Name Insert into

    Im trying to insert a user name into a table on opening a Welcome Form. The error is within the DoCmd.runsql. and on opening the form it is asking for GUN? Could anybody please advise? Me.GetUserNametxt = Environ("username") Dim GUN As String GUN = Me.GetUserNametxt DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT...
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    Extract the user into a table

    I am working on a network where the user of Access is logged in. I want to extract this user into a table. I would then be able to relate this to a table of permissions in the database. How would I go about this? Thanks for your time in advance
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    Transform my Excel data

    I want to select my (variable) columns from my Excel file and be able to transform paste into an Access table. The easiest way would be to transform paste in Excel but for functionality I do not want to do this. What I would like to do is to paste into a row table (that contains several...
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    SQL vs Access Query Overview

    I am just learning to query my data in an SQL Database. I am totally familiar with the graphic interface of Access to create queries but need your advice. I can end up creating several queries within queries to get my result. How do I look to do this in SQL? Do I build it in one complex query...
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    Printing sub form filtered data

    My frmHolding has an unlinked sub form frmDatasheet My rptSummary has a linked sub report rptDetails I'm trying to open my frmHolding, filter frmDatasheet and then press a button (on frmHolding) to print rptSummary (with the linked rptDetails) based on the chosen frmDatasheet filter. This is...
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    What Next ?

    I have my SQL back end and my all singing, all dancing Access Front End. What would I use to replicate my front ends over my company network, with a nod to a Cloud environment in the future?
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    Adding to a date but not weekend

    I have used this code to add days to a date and if the required date lands on a Saturday or Sunday, then move the date on by Two days if its a Saturday and One if its a Sunday. the Sunday part works ie. Date to Use: 05/03/2019 add five days gives 12/03/2019 but I am at a loss to why...
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    Apply filter by text AND Date

    Can you just help me with this syntax please? Im trying to filter my form where the field USER = " be allocated" AND where the AllDateTU field is less than an unbound date field on my form called AllocationDate This is what I tried but Im getting a 3175 runtime error which Im stuggling to...
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    DCount a grouped value from a table

    Hi All Im looking to open a form (for the purposes of checking) that counts the grouped reference number in a table's field, however I'm getting myself into a muddle. This is what I have at the moment: Dim strSQL As String Dim RefGCount As Integer strSQL = "SELECT tblClients.Ref FROM...
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    Filter lists have disappeared

    I have just moved my data to SQL. I have a split form that I can filter in the datasheet area. It normally has a list of all the options within that column but the list has disappeared. It now has a to z sort and "Test filters" etc I'm trying to understand what I have done wrong in order for...
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    Column Order for each user

    I have a split form that I distribute and create as a runtime. I would like the user to be able to sort the columns in their chosen order and for this to be retained as opposed to the default pre-designed order every time it is opened. Is there a field within the properties of the form or will...
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    Illustrate (Count) Records of Filter button

    My form has several filter "buttons". What I am looking to do illustrate, underneath the button,how many records are pertaining to that particular filter so that it flags to the user that there are issues with those particular records. I already have an OnCurrent as so : Private Sub...
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    Filter on selected ?

    I am trying to filter my data based upon the content of the data within the field that I wish to filter. I'm getting rather lost. Could you help me please? This is what I have tried on click DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "SalesPerson = Me.Salesperson" DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToLast Thanks for...
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    filter with wildcard

    Hi All I want to capture all variables that begin with the word "Pre" DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "Status = 'Pre*'" I'm a bit confused by & and '''''''' and """"""""" Is there a go to place to learn the syntax? Thanks in advance
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    Multi filter referencing field on form

    Just having trouble getting my filter to work: Dim strMyLast As String strMyLast = "Status <> 'Completed' And User = Me.UserName" Debug.Print strMyLast Me.Filter = strMyLast Me.FilterOn = True Im trying to filter my form by everything not completed and by the a field called userName that...
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    Exporting to SQL Server

    I am trying to automate exporting several RunSavedExport but I've come up against the " IDENTITY_INSERT is already on" I have tried to call a pass-through query after each import as follows: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[IdentityMyTable] AS BEGIN SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[tblMyTable] OFF END But...
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