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  1. S

    Dynamic Reports Interface

    Does anybody have sample code For a Dynamic reports Interface. where The User from a form selects a report Name from a Combo list linked to a Report Table and Hits a Show Report Button. The VBA code underneath Reads the Report name and Runs the report and displays the report. to user
  2. S

    how to open another database using VBA

    ok answering my own request now. went the shell route. created a button with on click event "command21_click" _______________________________________ Private Sub Command21_Click() Call OpenDBRep End Sub _____________________________________________ and Public Function to open database...
  3. S

    how to open another database using VBA

    when I tried this code in Access 2007. it tried to open itself and gave me a debug message Private Sub Command21_Click() Dim accapp As Access.Application Set accapp = New Access.Application accapp.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\GQReporting\GQReporting.accdb") accapp.Visible = True End Sub Debug...
  4. S

    New to Forum

    Hi There, Was originally a COBOL/CICS/DB2 A/P Been using Access since Version 2.0 with Office 3.1, Love Access
  5. S

    using access to calculate age from DOB

    Hi Guys, I came across this code the other Day which I actually modified to calculate the Age of an Insurance policy but here is the original code I found. Age() Function Given a person's date-of-birth, how do you calculate their age? These examples do not work reliably: Format(Date() -...
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