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  1. R

    Scatter Plot using dates?

    last bump before it dies :(
  2. R

    Scatter Plot using dates?

    one more bump... anyone?
  3. R

    Scatter Plot using dates?

    bump for me
  4. R

    Scatter Plot using dates?

    I'm trying to create a graph that is just a scatter plot, with dates on the x-axis and values along the y-axis. The problem is that Access won't let me plot the raw data, it says that the data must be summarized when using dates... Is there any way to get around this?
  5. R

    Need help with Linked Table!

    My problem is that I need to be able to change the link path. I have a linked text file that works fine, but I need to move the directory it's in. If I try to use the Linked Table manager it gives me this error: "The text file specification '<My Table Name> Link Specification23' does not...
  6. R

    Easy question - public variables?

    Sigh... answered my own question again... I needed to have these in a regular module, not part of a form. Kudos to RichM for pointing me in the right direction :D
  7. R

    Easy question - public variables?

    Edit: Okay I have figured out how to create a function that will return what ever value I want. Now, I am having the same problem, only in a different module. Here is the function from the first module: Public Function GetSearchType() As Integer GetSearchType = intSearchType End Function...
  8. R

    Easy question - public variables?

    Thank you sir
  9. R

    Easy question - public variables?

    I am trying to define a variable in one module that can be used in another. I seem to understand that in order to do this, you need to declare it as a public var. Well I do this, but when I open the second module to access this variable, I am told it's undefined. Anyone help please? (I'm sure...
  10. R

    MS-Chart and setting maximum and minumum y axis values

    Hate to bring back a dead topic, but I am having a problem with this subject: what values can you use for the xlvalue? I know you use 2 to change your y-axis, but I don't know how to change the x-axis (tried 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, etc), which is the axis I need to adjust...
  11. R

    HELP! Import File from FTP Server!!!

    Hi cvia, I am actually doing this right now. The way I do it is somewhat complicated: I wrote a program to download the data using C++ and combine it all into one text file, then I do a link table to the text file in Access. Hope that helps a little.
  12. R

    Can you mark a chart using VBA?

    I would like to make any kind of mark I can on a chart, I am just trying to hilight 2 tick-marks at the very least. Is there any way to do this? Thanks!
  13. R

    How to create a Histogram in Access

    Sigh... the only problem with this is that the range varies, which makes my problem seem so much more complicated... I have to figure out a way to divide up the data into several sections and then find the frequency for each section. Ideas?
  14. R

    How to create a Histogram in Access

    Thanks for your replies guys, it has given me a lot to work with. I saw all the graphing options in Excel, and it kind of stumped me as to why they didn't have something similar in Access. I use A97 also but I believe 2000 is pretty much the same... I could be wrong though :)
  15. R

    How to create a Histogram in Access

    Bump.... Someone has to have an idea. :/
  16. R

    How to create a Histogram in Access

    Yes, it is a type of graph. The wizard will let you create a column/bar chart, which is what the histogram plot uses. The problem I'm having is generating the second set of data, which is basically the frequency of your results, to plot vs. the actual results. If you have any ideas about...
  17. R

    How to create a Histogram in Access

    Any ideas? There has got to be an easy way...
  18. R

    Modify select Query with VBA

    Thank you sir :D
  19. R

    Modify select Query with VBA

    Anyone? Anyone at all?
  20. R

    Dynamic query example question

    sry can't help u then :p
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