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  1. R

    Print to PDF Not Working

    EventID is an AutoNumber field in the table and an unformated textbox in the form. What do you mean by delimiters? Does that still apply? Also, I would rather avoid having designated "open to view on screen" vs. "print to pdf" command buttons on every form, and I would also prefer to avoid...
  2. R

    Print to PDF Not Working

    Oh, and I tried printing to PDF on another computer, with a different copy of the front end database that I hadn't updated with the slight changes that I made yesterday. The Windows Print to PDF still works fine on that one.
  3. R

    Print to PDF Not Working

    I tried that with the following specific code and got a run-time error '2498'. DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "ZooMobile Billing Invoice Digital", acFormatPDF, "C:\Users\Education\Desktop\Scrap", "[Event_ID]=" & Me.InvoiceTxt The "[Event_ID]=" & Me.InvoiceTxt is vital, because that specifies...
  4. R

    Print to PDF Not Working

    I have a database that has several reports that we print to PDF using Window's 10 "Print to PDF" printer. Starting yesterday, for some reason, it won't work. Access just says "Microsoft Access couldn't print your object". I did make some changes to the database yesterday, but they were to a...
  5. R

    Change Negative Number to 0 in a Calculation Query

    Okay, we're on the same page now! I've made the changes and it seems to work so far. I'm going to do some more testing to make sure it smoothly integrates with my other forms, reports, etc. before I fully change over but I think it should work fine. Here's the query that I now have: SELECT...
  6. R

    Change Negative Number to 0 in a Calculation Query

    Ok, I think that I'm following you. Before trying to solve my actual problem, I'm trying to recreate my current query using your technique. Here's the module that I have: Public Function get_TourEstimateCost(CostCategory, EstimatedYouth, EstimatedAdults, BOCESParticipants, CostPerPerson...
  7. R

    Change Negative Number to 0 in a Calculation Query

    Oh! I didn't even realize that you were using VBA. That's the kind of novice I am when it comes to Modules. Though, to be honest, your most recent thing with ret just confuses the hell out of me. And, before I continue exploring this option, please tell me this: If this is in VBA, how can I...
  8. R

    Change Negative Number to 0 in a Calculation Query

    When you say "every unique field in block of code here, but with better names" which of the following do you mean? - That you just put place holders in and I should use the names of the actual fields in the tables? - That you are renaming my fields to something better for purposes of this...
  9. R

    Change Negative Number to 0 in a Calculation Query

    Also, Plog, if I were to use modules and functions, would they be able to be sources for fields in subforms and subreports? The calculated cost needs to be displayed in a subform that's tied to the form that all of these fields are visible in and data being entered in by the user. Then they...
  10. R

    Change Negative Number to 0 in a Calculation Query

    Plog-- You're absolutely right. And it is incredibly frustrating. I'm sure modules and functions would be better but I know nothing about them other than a few that I managed to write with a lot of copy/pasting from other's work and guess work. I have no idea how to do one to calculate...
  11. R

    Change Negative Number to 0 in a Calculation Query

    I have a rather complicated calculation query designed to calculate the estimated cost of a Guided Tour based on the estimated number of children, adults, free chaperones and what type of Cost Category it is (Full Price, Discount, etc. or one of the several BOCES programs that we have unique...
  12. R

    Sharing On Web Guidance

    After looking into SharePoints, I have some concerns. How different is SharePoint to use than MS Access? Would I need to learn an entirely new software in order to transfer my database to it? I'm asking this because, to be honest, my job isn't IT. My actual job at the zoo is as an...
  13. R

    Sharing On Web Guidance

    John, thanks for the info and for the link. I'll check it out and let you know how things progress.
  14. R

    Sharing On Web Guidance

    Ok, I looked more into SharePoint and I'm not sure what SharePoint services I need to meet my objectives. Based on the goals I mentioned above, could anyone tell me which one of the following I would need: - SharePoint Online (and which of the the three option plans on that page) -...
  15. R

    Sharing On Web Guidance

    Hello everyone, I have a rather extensive split database that has a back-end on a local server and two front-ends on the same local network. I am looking into the possibility of changing the database to be shared via the web for a few different reasons: - We want to expand to include users...
  16. R

    Adding Criteria To A Complex Query

    Yes, each event (or record) is associated with a client. And the purpose of the 3 queries is to display the information from the event with a date and time that immediately precedes the current event. The only change I wish to make is that if the client is the zoo (another way to think about...
  17. R

    Adding Criteria To A Complex Query

    Each record in the Event table is it's own event. So I'm not sure what you mean by a dropdown of Events. Each record has a Date_of_Event field. To distinguish between current and past Events I've used queries I.e. "WHERE (Date_of_Event<Date())". In the case of this set of queries, the...
  18. R

    Adding Criteria To A Complex Query

    Hmmm... Well, the first option is how things are set up currently. Because one client can book multiple events. Also, any change on that kind of level would be impossible. The database is too well established, with too many features to change such a building block to the entire database. I...
  19. R

    Adding Criteria To A Complex Query

    Thank you for the suggestion, I'll take a look at it. One of the fields in the Event table is Cost_Category with options of Full Price, Discount, Donation, Swap or In House. But, because the entire database is structured with having a One to Many relationship between the Client table and the...
  20. R

    Adding Criteria To A Complex Query

    Also, I don't want to use any criteria in the query that involves naming the forms or controls in the forms. That's because there are 2 versions of the same form and I don't want to create 2 versions of this set of 3 queries. Before anyone asks why 2 versions of the same form, here's why...
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