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  1. GreenshootProgrammer

    Record Numbers

    Got it: = [CurrentRecord] & " of " & DCount('[Category]','tblCategory')
  2. GreenshootProgrammer

    Record Numbers

    This code shows current record number: =[CurrentRecord] This code shows total record number: =DCount("[Category]","tblCategory") How do I combine them in a textbox to say something like "8 of 10"?
  3. GreenshootProgrammer

    Parametered Query Combobox Autopopulate

    Fixed, combobox, click event, macro, requery macro, control name, you're welcome.
  4. GreenshootProgrammer

    Parametered Query Combobox Autopopulate

    My database has comboboxes to autopopulate fields. These comboboxes have parametered queries for row sources so that the user doesn't have to go through a long list of IDs and to make the database more efficient in case it has to hold hundreds of records. They work the first time round but not...
  5. GreenshootProgrammer

    Advanced Combobox Autopopulate

    I have a main form with customer details, staff details, invoice details, and subform with invoice equipment details. The database is in it's final version, everything is working perfectly. There's ID comboboxes that autopopulate for these details. However when I try to create an invoice...
  6. GreenshootProgrammer

    Stoic Philosophy

    I like to learn about different cultures, traditions, religions, and philosophies and I stumbled across a philosophy referred to as the Stoic Philosophy and it really clicked with me. I find it is a great mindset to have in life due to its realism and benefits. It helps develop a good work...
  7. GreenshootProgrammer

    Combo box control

    Works like a BOSS :)
  8. GreenshootProgrammer

    Query Parameters

    I know about totals in queries but I'm a bit confused about your instructions.
  9. GreenshootProgrammer

    Query Parameters

    I have an invoice query that has a lot of fields, I want to create a copy of the query that searches for the best paying customer. How would I add up all the costs per customer and find out which one is the most?
  10. GreenshootProgrammer

    Combo box control

    I want the user to be able to use a combo box to select a value but I don't want them to be able to manually enter data, is this possible?
  11. GreenshootProgrammer

    How do I recognise an empty field?

    Why can't I get this simple piece of code to work? Private Sub txtDateBack_AfterUpdate() ' updates loan status txtLoaned = 0 If txtDateBack = Null Then txtLoaned = 1 End Sub Private Sub txtDateBack_AfterUpdate() ' updates loan status txtLoaned = 0 If...
  12. GreenshootProgrammer


    In my database when an item is currently being loaned the item's loaned field will have a 1 to indicate this. When the item is returned the value is 0. Only so many items are available and when I use the DCount function it is counting the 0s as 1s. How do I solve this issue?
  13. GreenshootProgrammer

    invalid control property: control source

    I added a new field to one of my tables and query, but when I try to add a control for that field into my form it is not recognising it and the field isn't appearing in the sources for the form, even though the table is sourced to the form? Or am I going to have to do the usual and redo the...
  14. GreenshootProgrammer

    Make Control Invisible

    Doesn't work.
  15. GreenshootProgrammer

    Hide Subform Column

    Doesn't work :( (the form's called frmMain and the sub form is called sfrmMain btw. Also do I use the label or textbox control name?)
  16. GreenshootProgrammer

    Make Control Invisible

    How do I make a control invisible?
  17. GreenshootProgrammer

    Hide Subform Column

    How do I make a column invisible in my subform when the main form loads?
  18. GreenshootProgrammer

    On Change DLookup

    I fixed it by putting the last parameter in square brackets. G G O O O O A A A L ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 one
  19. GreenshootProgrammer

    On Change DLookup

    I get a syntax error. here is an example of the sub form: _______________________________________ itemid | item | rate | cost | rate1 | rate2 | rate3 | ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 | pen | |v| | £1 | £2 | £3 |...
  20. GreenshootProgrammer

    On Change DLookup

    I receive the following error message: Run-time error '2471': The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error: 'ITEM001'
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