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  1. K

    Access FE/Azure SQL BE, Simple query slow

    I am doing my first baby steps with SQL Azure backend and Access 2016 as front end. I have used SSMA to migrate two tables, for a start. tblInvoices (140 000 rows, 18 columns) and tblInvoiceDetails (320 000 rows, 24 columns) I use SQL Server Native Client 11.0 ODBC Driver for connection All...
  2. K

    Search form, building complex SQL string with VBA

    I'm trying to adapt Martin Green's search form code, making SQL and VBA to work together using ADO. It's no problem when it comes to combo boxes, list boxes and exact matches, but I have been struggling for days with Like and Between. I'm not sure how to build criteria, and how to compose SQL...
  3. K

    From user to developer

    Hello everyone! I'm Kloklo and everybody calls me by that nickname, even my mother :) I'm from Croatia, small and beautiful country on the Adriatic sea. I have been messing around Access for a very long time, at least ten years, being my own programmer and job is to maintain database...
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