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  1. H

    specify the ribbon to open on form load

    Hi All, When you open a form in datasheet view, the default ribbon is of course the "Datasheet" tab. I would rather have the "Home" tab ribbon open up, because I have one field in this form set up as hyperlinks to open another form, so the filter and search buttons would be more helpful to the...
  2. H

    hyperlink opens twice

    Hi all, I have a form with a textbox with the "LinkedIn" profile address that I want the user to be able to pull up when they click a command button. It works, except that the link opens twice in two tabs in the browser. I've checked over the code for the whole form, and this code is only being...
  3. H

    Is there a way to set the criteria on a query based on if a form is open or not?

    Hi All, What I want to do is set the criteria of a query to the value on a form if the form is open, and set it to a different value if the form is closed. I tried using a function on the OnLoad event of the form to set a variable called IsOpen to 1 if the form is open, and reset that variable...
  4. H

    command button to populate unbound text boxes from subform only works once

    Hi All, I have a tabbed form from which the user can select a contact's record from a subform on the first tab, click a edit command button, and the unbound text boxes on the top of that tab populate. The user can then click the second tab with employment history which has blank unbound text...
  5. H

    change which row in a combo box is visible depending on event

    Hi All, I have a combo box with three columns, the first one is the bound one, the second is text in English, and the third is text in Spanish. Currently when the form is open, both the English and Spanish texts columns are visible. What I would like to do is set up a command button on a...
  6. H

    add multiple records at once to a child table from a form

    Hi folks, I have an unbound new contact data entry form that adds records to many different tables. I have no problems adding one record to a child table at a time, but one of the things we are collecting is a list of online networks a person belongs to, and I want to be able to stick a "check...
  7. H

    error 2950 running code from a macro

    Most of what I do can be done with queries, but I have a spot that I need a bit of code for. I've written the code as a public function so I can call it from a macro where I run the rest of the queries. The code runs fine on its own, and so does the macro until it hits where I call the code...
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