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  1. HockeyNut

    Problem with code for form

    Thanks indesisiv, That sounds good, I'll try that. Is FormCurrent an event which fires when each new record loads, rather than the initail FormLoad, (which would obviously be too early and not work). EDIT: Just tried it, works a treat! :)
  2. HockeyNut

    Problem with code for form

    This is the code I have an issue with. Private Sub cboClientType_AfterUpdate() Me.cboClientType.SetFocus Me.txtEstablishmentName.Enabled = (Me.cboClientType.Text = "Establishment") Me.txtBirthdate.Enabled = (Me.cboClientType.Text = "Individual") Me.txtDeceased.Enabled =...
  3. HockeyNut

    Error Trapping

    lol. Thanks a million Mile :) I missed the game... I was at my VB class ...not that you'd believe that with asking this question! :rolleyes: lol
  4. HockeyNut

    Error Trapping

    Thanks for sticking with me on this Mile :) I've tried it that way an it give a new compile error: "Variable not defined" and highlights the code which says "acDateErrContinue".
  5. HockeyNut

    Error Trapping

    I tried it that way and got an error in my code. Compile Error: Argument not optional In my code it highlights the following line. Call InvalidComboSelection :confused:
  6. HockeyNut

    Error Trapping

    Thanks a lot Mile. I knew it'd be something blindingly obvious which I was missing/doing wrong. After spending a couple of hours this morning trying to work it out I decided to consult with the Forum as I knew it would be childs play to someone! I wanted to do it slightly different. As I...
  7. HockeyNut

    Error Trapping

    Error Trapping (probably for dummies) Hi everyone, I've been toiling with error trapping, having never used it before, and am struggling. I think I'm missing something fundatmental and would like if anyone could look at my code to point out the (probably glaring to you) problem. I've had a...
  8. HockeyNut

    Value List or seperate table?

    I was 99% certain that would be the case. ;) lol Thanks for the reply Mile
  9. HockeyNut

    Value List or seperate table?

    Another one of my "Best Practice" kind of questions. If I have 7 values in a value list, which I'm 99% sure wont change over time. Is the best practice still to create a seperate table (to be used as a lookup)? HN
  10. HockeyNut

    Time Stamp

    You will need to use Coding, and use the Timer control
  11. HockeyNut

    Sport database:basketball

    2. As long as you configured your ASP, or whatever other connection technology you are using, then yes, it would update fine. 3. That depends on the level of detail in the spreadsheet. Whenther he's taking it to player level, or just analysing teams. HN
  12. HockeyNut


    Well, just incase anyone has a simliar problem in future I'll post my findings on this. The key is something called "Synchronised Subforms". Hope this helps anyone in the future. I've managed to get mine working, well, my first sub-sub level anyway. I used the code which is in an example...
  13. HockeyNut


    My progress so far I've been experimenting a bit, but I've hit a bit of a wall now. Attached is my progress so far. My 2nd subform is based on this: [Forms]![frmMainClient]![tblApplication].[Form]![ApplicationID] But, if there is more than one record in the 1st sub form area, it still only...
  14. HockeyNut


    One way to get my post count up eh... have a conversation with myself! ;) Anyway, I think I've worked out how to do this. I've based a query on the form criteria (of the ApplicationID) and the query displays the payment detail for the application ID's which are vissible in the first sub form...
  15. HockeyNut


    Anyone? :( :confused: :(
  16. HockeyNut

    Input Mask

    The # symbol was the one I needed (#=optional figure) :) 00/000#;0;_
  17. HockeyNut

    Input Mask

    I'm trying to have an input mask, however I'm coming across a problem with it. I need it ot be 00/000;0;_ OR 00/0000;0;_ This is similar to an issue I can think of with British Postal Codes. Although the mask says >LL00 0LL, it is also required to be able to enter >LL0 0LL. Is the only way...
  18. HockeyNut


    Hi everyone, This is my Table Structure Diagram which got the thumbs up a couple of weeks back in the "Tables" forum. However, I've come to design the forms now and am hitting a problem. I based the form on the tblClient as this is what everything ultimately belongs to. The sub form for the...
  19. HockeyNut

    Cascading Combo requery problem

    Thanks Mile :rolleyes: ;)
  20. HockeyNut

    Cascading Combo requery problem

    Hi, I've read some about cascading combo's and wanted to use it. However, I've hit a problem, it works first time around, but. If I re-select the first combo box and choose a different option, then it doesn't subsequently update (requery) the next (sub category) combo box. The code I found...
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