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  1. M

    VBA, SQL and JOINS

    Hi, Wondering if anyone can tell me where I'm going wrong with this piece of VBA code in my form: Dim strRcset As String strRcset = "SELECT jctVoyagesSources.*, tV.[VoyageID], tS.[SourceID] " & _ "FROM ([swpdatabase.jctVoyagesSources] " & _ "INNER JOIN...
  2. M

    Distributing ACCDE Front Ends - VBA not loading

    Hi, I'm a relative beginner to Access, I've only been working with it for a couple of months and I've run into a snag. I'm developing a database for a university research project - the database was built in Microsoft Access 2013 with the back end being stored on a Windows Azure SQL Server. It...
  3. M

    Tables not sorting by primary key after conversion to Azure SQL

    I've been building a database which will be used on a large archaeology project to store and analyse data on shipwrecks. I built the database in Access 2013 and am hosting the backend on a Windows Azure SQL Database. I converted the database to SQL Azure using SSMA for Access. I currently have...
  4. M

    ComboBox and AutoExpand

    I'm encountering a problem with the AutoExpand feature in a ComboBox. I've got a table of Countries (tblCountries) which is linked to a junction table called tblWrecks via it's primary key tblCountries CountryID (Primary Key) Country Name tblWrecks WreckID (Primary Key) VoyageID (Foreign Key)...
  5. M

    Is there a better way of doing this?

    Hi, Quick question regarding table structures, fields and relationships. I'm trying to record information on historic ships for a research project. I've got a main table called tblShips which contains the name of each ship, a linked table called tblVoyages which records information on the...
  6. M

    New Member

    Hi, My names Mike and I'm an archaeologist working at Newcastle University in the UK. I specialise in locating and researching the wrecks of transatlantic slave ships between 1600-1880 using archival data. I'm currently working on a joint project between George Washington University the...
  7. M

    Many to Many Forms - Problems

    Hi! I'm working on a database for an archaeology project which is looking for the shipwrecks of transatlantic slavers between 1600-1880 around the world. We're working on a massive archival trawl of data at the moment and I've been tasked with building the database. I've built very simple...
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