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  1. N

    spliting data

    In the attched spreadsheet I have a master Tab, where I copy all the data, the type column is the identifer of each row. There are two things I need to do and have no idea how to do it, 1) split the data from the "Master" tab into its repective tabs (based on type) the key here is to split the...
  2. N

    Table Setup

    Hi all I am trying to set up a simple db which records errors that occur on a systems. These are the fields required Error Title Date occured Fix 1 Fix 2 Comments I am not sure how to design the tables so that each title is unique and references a the fixes any help would be great thanks
  3. N

    wild cards

    To find all records that begin wih a a certain Number do I use this dim rst as recordset set rst = Me.recordsetClone rst.findfirst "EmpNo = " & seach *
  4. N


    it almost works but still only check the first line
  5. N


    I have a sub form which shows data of orders. I want to have a button on the main form that will loop through the records in the sub form and check that there are no null values. can some one explainm how to do this thanks
  6. N

    close Form

    If you select to open a form from your custom menu bar, can you close the form that you were previously on thanks
  7. N

    clever menu bar

    I have a "general" menu bar with some common fucntions that are used on every form I want to be able to apply different functions to the same button and then using method the correct function will be called for the right form I have no idea how this works so any help would be...
  8. N

    can't delete

    I am using this code to delete a record Private Sub CmdRemove_Click() If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete Part Number " & Me.PartNo & " from the order", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then DoCmd.SetWarnings False DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord DoCmd.SetWarnings True Me.Requery Else End If End...
  9. N


    Hi i have a button on a main form that confirms an order In my you can add parts to that order.if the user gos to add another record, but then dosent. When i press the confirm button is brings up my default error is method to put on the confirm button in the main form, that when pressed will...
  10. N


    sory and another going back to the first.. can you get in to highlight a specific bound txt box in a sub form " i.e.the current record rsther than the whole lot
  11. N


    Thanks thats great. Can I ak another question? I have a report that show what each saleman has sold and the total profit they have made. can I put a button on a form whcih will print of the the saleman report with the highest profit
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    sorry.. form View
  13. N


    how do you mean
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    when you have searched for a recod is there a way to highlight the fields in say "yellow" once they have been found
  15. N

    Add discount

    I have a table of customers. In the customers table there are details like, Name, Address, Telephone and discount. What I want to do is when a new customer is added their discount is 0 every 5 times they place an order their discount increases by 1 (which means 1 percent) and ideas thanks
  16. N

    linking subforms

    HTH Dembrey [/B] Sub one has to be linked to main form because the main form shows the customer Account Number and sub 1 shows all invoices under that Account number. Sub 1 does have a field order number. So how do I link in to sub 2
  17. N

    linking subforms

    Hi I have a main form which display customer info, I then have a subform (sub1) which displays each customers order numbers. I then have a second Subform (Sub2) which shows the contents of each order. In am trying to link Sub2 to Sub1. In the Linking fields. I used...
  18. N

    can u do this

    I have a form that is filtered, i then have a search which allows the user to select a record form a combo box, at present all the records are shown in the combo box . Can i just show the records remaining after the filter in the combo box
  19. N

    adding a check box

    I am not sure if u can do this, I have a sub form, which shows a list of cars. I want to put a chk box in the sub for each record to state whether it is clean or not clean (True, or false) I don't want to store the value in a table, but when u change on chk box the rest of them change ??? will...
  20. N

    keep gettin an error

    I keep getting the error 2467 the expression you have entered refers to an object that is closed" how do fix this thanks Private Sub CmdDelete_Click() If IsNull(Me.CustomerNo) = True Then If MsgBox("Press Yes to start a new order, Press No to go back to the Main Menu"...
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