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  1. S

    Calendar Drop Down

    I have just done something similar using the Calendar control. When I click into the text box for the date the calendar becomes visible, when you move out of it the calendar is no longer visible. You can also have it so that if you clicked on a date in the calendar it will put that date in...
  2. S

    Check Boxes in forms

    What data type are you using in your field? If you are using a Yes/No then it should work. I have tried and it works fine.
  3. S

    Forms and subforms

    Create another form just as you have done for your main form, size it to how you want it to be then use the drag and drop method to place it on your main form where you want it. In order to use the drag and drop method size your window so that you can see the forms window and your form then...
  4. S

    Check Boxes in forms

    Have you checked your check box properties to make sure that the control source is linked to the field in your table? If not ensuring that you have linked your control source to the field in the table should ensure that the data in the check box is saved to the table.
  5. S

    Disable parts of a form

    I have a form split into 11 parts. Each part is completed by a different person in sequence and each part finishes when either a date or name is entered. What I want to do is to disable the parts already completed but leave the parts ready for completion by the next person. I have put an...
  6. S

    Option Buttons

    Hi, I had four option buttons in a frame which was OK because you could only choose one but when I opened a new form the checked option was still visible from the last record. I therefore deleted them and put four separate options button on, trouble is that I don't know how to code it so that...
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