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  1. B

    Running a subsequent SQL Query

    Found a solution that seems to work - before running the next SQL query reset the ADODB object: Set objRecordSet = New ADODB.RecordSet objRecordSet.ActiveConnection=CurrentProject.Connection It may not be the most elegant way to do things, but it appears to work!
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    Running a subsequent SQL Query

    Hi, I`m having an issue. I`m writing VBA code behind a form that used SQL SELECTS on various tables - the results of one query determine the next. I`m using the ADODB object library: strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Field1 LIKE " & value1 objRecordSet.Open (strSQL) Then later...
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    Strange Form Behaviour

    I hope it does too! Thanks for the pointers - sorry restrictions here prevent my giving more information.
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    Strange Form Behaviour

    Unfortunately no - it is on a system that is not connected to the Web and there is no way to get things like this off of it. I think that it is the object relationship that is causing the issue, but I found a way to get around it that works for what I am trying to do.
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    Strange Form Behaviour

    It does. I was a little off - the form doesn't come as a split form - it adds a subform object that shows a different table. I do see, going though the Object Dependencies, that this table is dependent on the one that is shown. But, now that I have a workaround, I haven't really been looking...
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    Strange Form Behaviour

    I got around it by making a query of just the table in question and creating a form based on the query. Thanks!
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    Strange Form Behaviour

    Indications - two things, on the form (it seems to default to a split form) the table displayed is different, and the number of recrds is wrong. Unfortunately, I can't put screenshots up for this.
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    Strange Form Behaviour

    Hi, I am trying to create a new form from an existing table and I'm seeing something strange. I click on the Table name, then create the form using the 1st icon (the one labelled Form) - it creates a new form, but for a different table. The recordsource of the form itself is the right one...
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    Adding a new record to a linked table

    Thanks Uncle Gizmo - that's exactly what I'm trying to do!
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    Adding a new record to a linked table

    Hi, I have several tables that are linked that I need to be able to add to. This is an example of the structure: Patient Info ID FK_Ward – ID of Ward table FK_Room – ID of Room table FK_Cond – ID of Condition table Ward ID WardID Room ID RoomNumber Condition...
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    Generating a field in a Report

    Thanks - that did it!
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    Generating a field in a Report

    Yep - each MEAL is to be handled distinctly.
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    Generating a field in a Report

    OK, I have the COUNT working in the report section footer (not the overall report footer - that shows the total number of COLD foods, not just the ones in each MEAL!).
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    Generating a field in a Report

    Not specifically the average, but one of three options - --> if all the FOODs are HOT, then HOT; --> if all the FOODs are COLD, then COLD; --> if there are both HOT and COLD FOODs, then MIXED Temperature is a text field. Hope this helps!
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    Generating a field in a Report

    Hi! I apologize in advance for being somewhat vague about the contents of the database - security requirements where I am dictate it! I have a database with a bunch of related tables. One holds information on (let's say) types of food. A field in that table tells whether the food is HOT or...
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    Question on Forms (I think!)

    The problem I'm running up against (first) isn't retrieving the data across tables, it's entering it. Everything I see refers to retrieving it. What I am trying to do is create a from for people to add records to a table - the table would just hold references into the supporting tables, while...
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    Question on Forms (I think!)

    I am not an Access guru - but have been asked to build a database for us. I've created the tables and a first query, but now I am stuck on how to get all the data into the tables. Basically, there is one table that uses references into other tables for static data. I'd like to create a form...
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    Referencing form element in BeforeUpdate procedure

    That works great - thanks! And thanks for the fast reply!
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    Referencing form element in BeforeUpdate procedure

    Hi, I have an issue with a BeforeUpdate procedure that I am trying to get working. I'm using simple elements here as this is a test DB, not the real one yet. I'm trying to get the value from a Text Box TextData into a string cString. I've used a Dim statement to declare cString - I think the...
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    Hello from Canada!

    Hi! I am a jack-of-all-trades currently working in MS Access. I don't have too much Access-specific experience or knowledge, but I have been using SQL Databases for a while so I understand how they work - just getting the nuances of Access working for me is what I am trying to do. Thanks in...
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