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  1. G

    Add Mp3 Tags

    Hello Everyone, I have a Audio CD that was downloaded to the desktop and I wanted to know how can I use the following access code to add the MP3 Tags to all of them like Names, Genre, Titles, Album, Artist, etc based upon a table I have in access? Thanks The following code is what I have to...
  2. G

    Excel format

    Good Day, Is there a website or vba script that you can upload a excel document and it shows the vba formatting of the excel document similar as below? Thanks .Range("A1:" & ColumnLetter(RsG.Fields.Count) & "1").Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = XlBorderWeight.xlThick .Range("A1:" &...
  3. G

    Workflow in Access

    Good Day, Request your assistance as to is there a way to build a workflow in Access similar to a SharePoint workflow? Thanks for your help.
  4. G

    Showing List of Names with Birthdays

    Good Day, I am seeking help in finding a way in showing the list of names in a label from a table of birthdays that fall within this month and the following month using a filter filtering by Departments if needed. For example: Departments(HR,IT,Medical,Supply) Names: (Well, Joe, DEPT:HR, DOB...
  5. G

    Vba between Filter

    Hi Everyone, The follow in an example of my code and wanted to find a way to use a record set to send form dates for example dates between 2017-01 and 2017-04 to outlook using only those form selected fields. Is there another way besides using elseif statements. Thanks "SELECT [CDB...
  6. G

    Query to vba

    Hello All, Request your help to use forms with where clause. When I use "WHERE ((([CDB LIST].[Required Date]) Between #11/1/2016# And #5/1/2017#) AND (([CDB LIST].Received)<>-1)) " & vbCrLf & _ It works However when I use "WHERE ((([CDB LIST].[Required Date]) Between...
  7. G

    Combine Queries into Word

    Hello everyone, I am trying to find a way to export multiple queries into one word document that has the columns names and data of each query on a new line. I believe docmd.transfertext works but not quite sure of the formatting. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks
  8. G

    Click Button(auto)

    ExportWindow = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Output To") OkButtonTest = FindWindowEx(ExportWindow, ByVal 0&, "DUIViewWndClassName", vbNullString) ButtonOKTest = FindWindowEx(ExportWindow, ByVal 0&, "Button", "OK") mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0 mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0...
  9. G

    Get Window Text

    Hi everyone, Please help! I want to find a way to grab the text from the window that shows the location of the file using vba in Access. A picture was uploaded for reference. Thanks in advance. Thanks
  10. G

    Question SQL VBA Code Not Working

    Hi! How is everyone doing? When I ran the below code minus the highlighted part it works and when the current code is ran the following error message appear Run time error 3061 To Few parameters Expected 1. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. strSQL = "SELECT MOB_SAILOR_INFO.ID...
  11. G

    convert raw sql to vba

    SELECT CIAC_DATA.Sailor_Name, CIAC_DATA.Sailor_Status, MOB_SAILOR_INFO.[Email-Address-P], MOB_SAILOR_INFO.[Email-Address-S], CIAC_DATA.Primary_E_mail_Address, CIAC_DATA.[Secondary E-mail Address], CIAC_DATA.Age_in_Years, CIAC_DATA.[Home_#], CIAC_DATA.[Work_#], CIAC_DATA.[Cell_#]...
  12. G

    Convert sql to vba

    Hello everyone! I am trying to convert sql to vba upon entering the following sql into vba in access SELECT CIAC_DATA.Sailor_Name, CIAC_DATA.Sailor_Status, MOB_SAILOR_INFO.[Emal], MOB_SAILOR_INFO.[Emal-S], CIAC_DATA.Primary_E_mail_Address, CIAC_DATA.[S-EMAL], CIAC_DATA.[Age of Oldest Family...
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