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  1. W

    Loop through specific controls

    Hi all, Not sure how to do this but i think i first need to find out how to loop though specific controls on my form. Basically i am trying to produce the description that our company uses for a working pattern. Basically the description starts with the total hours for the week followed by...
  2. W

    Please help with NZ being ignored.

    Hi all, I have the below in a query to select my required data. SELECT table_MainData.*, Nz([Structure lvl5],[Structure lvl4])) AS Location FROM table_MainData; When i check the data in Datasheet View it looks fine, there is NO blanks in the Location field. But if i export to excel the NZ...
  3. W

    FindFirst - Top of SubForm?

    Hi all, Users open a record from 1 of 2 SubForms (sForm_DetailsOpen/sForm_DetailsClosed). They click the ID and it opens the data in another form. When they Save and Close the record I use the below code to Requery the Subform and to go back to the record that was selected before the requery...
  4. W

    Pass through query to table? (Suggestions)

    Hi all, I have a pass through query with multiple joins (SQL database). However the time the query takes to run is around 10 seconds. There is a combobox and subform on my main form that uses the data from this query, so it takes a while to load the combobox data. Then when a selection is made...
  5. W

    Create duplicate records based on textbox

    Hi all, I have form which i bound to a table. And everything works as you would expect it to. The data stored is job vacancies. However, if the is 4 vacancies for 1 job, the vacancy has to be put on 4 times so that each vacancy can have the successful candidate details attached to it at a...
  6. W

    Null if still Focus still on Textbox

    Hi all, I am trying to make a couple of mandetory fields via VBA. If IsNull(Me.Name) Or Me.Name = "" Then MsgBox "Unable to save without a Name", vbOKOnly, "Missing Data" Exit Sub End If However, when I was testing it the textbox kept coming back as NULL even when it contained...
  7. W

    Bound form New Record

    HI all, Dont know how to explain this one, but will try my best. I have two tables:- Vacancies Applicants Three forms:- Main - contains a subform (data source = Vacancies table) Vacancies - opens vacany record when ID in subform clicked Applicants - data source is a Query of both above...
  8. W

    Goto Record on Datasheet

    Hi all, I have a datasheet, when a record is clicked it opens in my VIEW/EDIT form. The record is changed and the user clicks "save and close". Which saves to the table just fine. However, it does not update the datasheet with the new value. And when i run code to 'requery' the...
  9. W

    Datasheet goes to first record

    Hi all, I posted yesterday about getting some code to select a record on a datasheet HERE This was because when i create or edit a record then close the form it goes back to the top of the datasheet. In my thread (above) MarkK kindly gave me some code, but told me this is not the Datasheets...
  10. W

    On form close, select in Datasheet

    Hi all, I have a 'main' form which has a datasheet displaying all records (Form1). And a form for Creating or Editing records (Form2). When form2 is closed the Datasheet on Form1 refreshes and the record at the TOP of the datasheet is selected by defualt. What i want when Form2 is closed is...
  11. W

    New record form and View Record form

    Hi all, I am wondering if how i am doing things is the best way. Basically i always have two forms:- NewRecord - for when someone clicked to create a new record ViewEditRecord - opens the record that is clicked in the Datasheet I do this because the New Record generates the Created By and...
  12. W

    Merging from form to Word Document

    Hi all, I am having a problem. I have some code that takes a copy of the Master word document from a shared drive, then puts it in the users Documents. Each time it does this it KILLS the old version so that the user is always using the most upto date Master version. The reason i take a copy...
  13. W

    Create temp copy of document

    Hi all, I have created a tool in Access to generate letters from data in a SQL Server which is working fine. However, there is 10+ users of this tool and only 1 Word Document on the network drive. I have a problem with the Word Document, SOMETIMES its does not close down properly and I have to...
  14. W

    Forms on smaller screens

    Hi all, I have created a database which has been working perfect for all users. However now there is more people using it i have come acroos a problem with people who have notebooks laptops. The problem is that the popup form is to big for their screen so they cannot use the bottom half which...
  15. W

    Check for blanks in a row

    Hi all, I have a query with 11 fields. Is there a way i can check if any of the fields in a row is blank? I was wondering if a count would work in some way? Thanks in advance Chris
  16. W

    File size 17mb - VBA to find out why?

    Hi all, I have a database which i have just moved to SQL sever but still using Access as the front end.. When the data was in a back-end on a shared drive the front-end file size was 3mb. For some reason now my back-end is SQL server the file size has increased to 17mb. I am trying to find...
  17. W

    Replace IFF with something else??

    Hi all, I have a query which determines if a case is open or closed by the closed date (some close dates could be in the future) I am guessing having this as a field is slowing the data when loaded IIf([Date Closed]<=Date(),"Closed","Open")) AS [Case Open/Closed] I would prefer this to be...
  18. W

    Copying data to Excel, date wrong format

    Hi all, I use the code below to copy data from a subform to Excel. However, some of the dates are coming out "mm/dd/yyyy" instead of "dd/mm/yyyy" (not all of them though). Is there a way to make sure they all come out "dd/mm/yyyy"? Thanks in advance. Private Sub cmdExport_Click()...
  19. W

    VBA and BLOB images? Access 2016

    Hi all, I think my database is being bloated by images. I have done some research on how to avoid this, and have followed some instructions on creating a table with the paths to the images. I have inserted an object frame and created the table but dont know what to do now.... The...
  20. W

    Table data in subform slow

    Hi All, I have a huge amount of data in a subform and i am trying to speed up how quickly the data is loaded when i open the form. Any suggestions to speed it up would be great, maybe there is nothing i can do but worth a try. All the data is pulled from a table but there are two formula...
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