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    record in a query

    Hi, i'm trying to refer to previous record in a query and i'm stuck as i do not know how to do it. Here is my query: SELECT [Prod2Buy].[Product Code], IIF([Missing] IS NULL,0,[Prod2Buy].[Quantity To Order]-[To Order]) AS [Rest To Order], s.s_manu_code AS [Manufacturer Code], s.prod_cost...
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    good forum for angularjs

    Hi, i'm looking for a great forum about angularjs except the google group. Any idea ? thx
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    Windows 8.1 freezes at starting

    Hello, i was wondering if someone has the same issue as me. sometimes and without any reason, Win8.1 freeze at boot, while seeing the blue/green windows logo. I checked in the windows event logs but i saw nothing special. thx.
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    Correlated query to find cheapest manufacturer

    Hi, I have a SQL Query that returns me: - the "product code" i must purchase, - the "quantity" to purchase for this product - and if it's in "promotion or not". Based on this result, i must to look at "manufacturer" table and find the cheapest "price" for each product to purchase and the...
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    select query return "text" instead of "boolean value"

    Hello, it's been a long time since i did some SQL queries on MS Access, but i forgot how to do to return a text for each row (as field value) when a table field contains "1" as value ? for example i have a table named "products" with a field/column called "promotion". Sometime a product is...
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    Grid control

    Hi, i'm looking for a free grid control... i know that iGrid exists but they ask $225 as license fee. thnx
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    combobox with default selected value

    Hi, i have 2 tables (clients, frequencies) where in table "clients" i have a column to store ID of "frequencies" table (id, description). in my form "FClient" i display data stored in table "clients" and i have a combobox that should display the "frequencies" descriptions, but with a frequency...
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