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  1. J

    Linking tables from a password protected database

    Thanks for your reply. I am not getting any "check box entitled 'Save this Password' in the dialog which asks for your username and password". Any ideas why? (I use the table link manager, OK to refresh the links, and then get error message "invalid password" and nothing is refreshed; I never...
  2. J

    linking fields

    also see reply to Wally's "Populate fields of form after entering data in one field" about a more direct/secure approach: reference additonal columns of the recordsource of the initial control (ie the combo box for selecting ID); post back for more/specific assistance.
  3. J

    calculated fields

    It is not usually a good idea (good db design) to store calculated values.
  4. J

    change error messages?

    Use your own error handling and generate (or don't) your own error messages; post back if you need more direction.
  5. J

    Scrolled form

    Forms have a Cycle property; consult Help; post back if you still need more assistance.
  6. J

    List Box or combo box

    Or, you can turn off the wizard and add a combo box or list box control to your form. Reveal the Properties form for the control (double click on it); select the "All" tab. Set the RowSourceType to "Value List" Set the RowSource to "Female;Male" If you want the selection to be stored in a...
  7. J

    How to use treeview control?

    Take a look at
  8. J

    Capture Global User Variable

    Set Global gintUserID as Integer in a module you can call basGlobals. But if you have multiple users (assumed) you will need to split the database so that each simultaneous user is setting the gintUserID in the basGlobals of their respective front-end apps.
  9. J

    If/then stmt in a module, please help!

    You can use IIf in an expression in the control of the report; or assuming your report is recordsourced to a query, use the IIf function there. If you would like help with the function, post back what you have so far and include table and query and control names.
  10. J

    Linking tables from a password protected database

    (Access 97) Access help says you can link tables from a password protected database, but that you have "provide" the password and that it is then stored with the connnection information for that link. Using the linked table manager, I am not prompted for the password, and am unable to establish...
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