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  1. E

    How to reuse code?

    Please help to correct this code to reuse it on clicking a button. Function EmiteRecibo() On Error GoTo EmiteRecibo_Err Dim strArquivo As String Dim strLocal As String strArquivo = "Recibo" & Me!RecTId & Me!TbEntAbv & ".pdf" 'aponta para a pasta do ficheiro pdf a criar onde...
  2. E

    Can I use "recordset" to make receipts?

    I am having trouble finding a solution to this problem. Assign receipts to records in an existing table. In a table, let's say Flow, I have movements of revenues and expenses, and releases monthly quota owners. See the image attached. Step 1 - I already have a form selected with payments...
  3. E

    How to turn off or control warnings?

    How to control which messages to see when executing a macro? I have a macro calling an update query but I need only see one message, the second one. I want to turn off the warnings but I want to know the action will be done. "You are about to update 2 row(s)."
  4. E

    How to join (concatenate) records of values in a single line?

    In Access 2013 I have a query that join two tables, Conduminium Owners to their possetions (fractions of conduminium). Owners.Own Owners.Vote SumOfTblFracPerc O; P................................No................9,54 F....................................Yes................5,48 L...
  5. E

    How to pass a count and sum value from one table to a not linked control in a form wi

    Hello. In Access 2013 I have 2 tables tbAssembleias tbEntities The tbEntities, have a fiel called tbPresent (yes/no) to register the presents in a condominium meeting. Table Name: tbEntities Fields: tbEntId...tbPresent (yes / no)..........tbVotes...
  6. E

    Hello from Gaia, Portugal.

    Hello. I am a portuguese user of MS Access with some experience but with little programming skills. I need to practice and learn more programming. I must ask everybody to be patient with me...! I hope so. Everterra.
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