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  1. T

    HTML construct shows as plain text in email body

    I used HTML construct when sending email in email body but receive as a plain text. What am I missing? here is my code: Function BuildHtmlBody(SQLStatement As String, ByVal Name As String) Dim html, State, Qty html = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>" html = html & "<div...
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    Multiple time periods in timer

    Hello, I need to send automatically reports to customers and I need to specify how often to send to each customer so I need multiple timers, one for each customer. How do I approach that? I can have 20-30 customers with different sending frequency. Only way I know if one timer in the form but...
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    Email report in body of email

    Hi, I have a task where I need to email to customers complex report that is being generated within access and I need to do it in the body of the email. What is the best way to approach that? Seems that I had no luck finding anything in the net. Worst case probably in attachment. Please help...
  4. T

    Too few paramaters. Expected 2 in OpenRecordset

    Hi, I have done this million times with no problem and this simple statement gives me problem "Too few parameters. Expected 2:. What am I missing here? Dim sSQL As String Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset sSQL = "SELECT EmailsPeopleM.JobID, EmailsPeopleM.CustName, EmailsPeopleM.[First...
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    Dynamic RibbonXML

    Hi everyone! Need your help on creating dynamic RibbonXML where statement will depend on user that is accessing access database. I created DynamicXML no problem and it changes context depending on user but my main problem is refreshing ribbon. I see that UsysRibbons tables changes fine but it's...
  6. T

    Report Recordset problem

    Hi all, please share your knowloedge about my item if someone knows. Have a question. I migrated to MS SQL BE and no I am trying to move all my reports queries to SQL Server as well and need to know how to assign recordset of the report that way that it will run on directly on SQL Server...
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