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  1. G

    SQL Insert Statement

    I'm looking to insert some data into my table called tblModelStandards. tblModelStandards has the fields ModelStandardsID, PlantCode, Category, SubCategory, Description, Cost. I'm trying to insert "Door Safety Chain" and "$3.00" into Description and Cost where Category is "Opening" and...
  2. G

    Is "Mobile" a reservered word?

    I have a form that has things like the date, a dealer name, the quote number, make, model, and cost for a quote that my salesmen create. There is a button on this form called Change Dealer that allows the salesmen to change the name of a dealer. Change Dealer button will open another form with...
  3. G

    Coloring Excel cells on export

    Hi. I am trying to export two queries from Access 2007 into Excel. I would like the queries to be on separate sheets within the workbook. I have this working the way I would like. In both queries I have a Boolean field. If the Boolean is Yes than I would like to highlight the Excel row red...
  4. G

    Decimal in a textbox

    I feel like this a dumb question, but how do I show a decimal in a text box? Here is what I have. I have a SQL back-end and Access front-end. The user selects an item out of a combo box and then text boxes for Unit of Measure, Cost, and Description are populated. The user then has to enter...
  5. G

    Adding record to multiple tables

    I am using Access 2007 on my front-end and SQL Server 2014 on the back-end. I have a table of Car Dealers and a table of contacts at the dealerships. These tables are SQL tables. The user can select a dealer and then see everyone that works at that dealership. When they look at this there is...
  6. G

    ComboBox refreshing subform.

    Hi. I am trying to use a combo box to refresh a subform. I am working with Access 2007 as my front end and SQL 2014 on the back end. On my main form called frmDealers I have an unbound combobox where the user selects a dealer and then text boxes are populated with address and phone...
  7. G

    ComboBox Populating TextBoxes

    I have a table called Dealers that I am looking to update through a form. I did not create this table and for some reason it has the primary key as Dealer. That is a text and not an autonumber. I asked and was told that is how it needs to be. I have a combobox that a user can select a dealer...
  8. G

    Adding record with ACE.OLEDB vs SQL Server

    Hello. Is there a difference when using Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB and SQL Server connection? I am using Access 2007 front-end and SQL Server 2014 for the back-end and ADO for my record set. When I started this project is used this statement: connDB.Open ConnectionString:="Provider =...
  9. G

    Adding all records from a subform to table

    Hi. I am working with a database that deals with trailers. What is happening is a salesman takes an order for a make and model for a trailer for a customer. The customer can then add some customization to the trailer such as more tail lights or tie down straps. They add the customization on a...
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