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    Solved Empty Combo Box

    I have a query that has values for different fields such as: 1 Type A 2 Type B 3 Type C (and many more) This query is used to generate a continuous sub-form from data such as: Record Description Value 008 An Item Type A 009 Another Item Type B A combo box...
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    Solved Pictures

    Ok, I have a database with a picture associated to each record, I have a frame to contain the picture on a form and as you change record it displays the correct picture for each record (a bit like a contacts database). I wanted to make the database moveable so that it showed the records wherever...
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    Solved Starting Again - Table Relationships.

    Hi, Been away from access for a couple of years and have a new project, I am after a little help bump starting my brain. I have the part numbers for all parts on a range of motorcycles and am looking for a simple example set-up to start from. I have seven types of motorcycle and thousands of...
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    Solved Change Year Only

    Simple question, I have a lot of data with date/time in a field. All the data is for 2020 but I want to change it to 2019. 10/02/20 11:09:53 becomes 10/02/19 11:09:53 10/02/20 13:48:08 Becomes 10/02/19 13:48:08 Effectively a query that looks up all the dates and just changes the year, not the...
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    Solved Bulk Edit Hyperlinks

    I have a huge database where the backend is being moved server and it contains lots of hyperlinks in the table fields. For some reason some machines reference the hyperlink to a document as z:/datafiles/data001.pdf and others as //oldserver/datafiles/data001.pdf Technically the hyperlink is...
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    Solved Complex Query?

    I have a complex question and am hoping that somebody stuck at home will be able to help. I have a process where parts may be tested and fail, a repair attempted and the part retested, possibly on more than one occasion until such time as the part has satisfactorily passed final inspection...
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    Output Open Form to PDF

    I have a strange question. I have a form that I use as a calculator for quotes and happily store only the data I usually require in a table but throw most of it away. Occasionally I want to keep a record of the maths for everything. The easiest way to do this would effectively be to just dump...
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    Chart Currency

    I have a chart in a form that displays monthly figures from a query. All aspects of my database that are currency display as currency with the symbol set to £ as per my windows settings, the chart has $ Any ideas would be most helpful.
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    Switchboard - Odd Request

    Is it possible to make the standard switchboard multi-column? This may sound a strange question but I find using a switchboard as an entry page for a database for too space-taking. As the switchboard takes the full width of the form, is it possible to split it into two columns to reduce how...
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    Form Field Calculation Errors

    Hi, I have some form fields which a calculation is based on when a form is loaded, unfortunately it works randomly. As per the attached examples, the consultancy rate (unbound) has a quantity (defaulted to zero), the next box is an hourly rate (looked up from a table) and the third box is the...
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    Requery Method

    Hi, I have a sub-form with a load event as follows: Private Sub Form_Load() testresults DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious, 14 End Sub This runs a complex query of data (in a public module) and loads the sub-form as a continuous form with the last fifteen records...
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    Simple SQL

    I have a simple piece of SQL which changes something when something else starts with PQ: DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE LogFile SET LogFile.Field3 = Replace([LogFile]![Field3],""AGB"",""4GB"") " & vbCrLf & _ "WHERE (((LogFile.Field3) Like ""AGB*"") AND ((LogFile.Field8) Like ""PQ*""));" I want to change...
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    Running Average in Query

    I have a query which gives me monthly figures, what I want to do is get a running annual average. SELECT Sum(tblOrders.Value) AS SumOfValue, Format([tblOrders]![Date],"yyyy mm") AS Expr1 FROM tblOrders GROUP BY Format([tblOrders]![Date],"yyyy mm") ORDER BY Format([tblOrders]![Date],"yyyy mm")...
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    VBA Date Query

    Odd one here, I have a table with a date and time stored as a General Date. I am importing data from text files where old ones have just a date so it comes in as 01/01/2018 00:00 and new ones with a time so it is imported as 01/01/2018 15:20. If I want to query a date range of old data I have...
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    On Load Event of Report

    I have a very complex piece of VBA generating a report, for what it is worth the details are below: Private Sub Report_Load() 'Populate results according to criteria on main form Dim scandata As String Dim OrderBy As String Dim BladesOnly As String Dim SearchStg As String SearchStg = ""...
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    Order by IIf statement?

    I have a function which generates sub-form data and although it looks extremely complicated it works perfectly. The function is called in the on-load of the sub-form and can therefore be modified and the sub-form re-queried to update the data. Public Function scanresults() 'Populate results...
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    Order by Date Only

    Hi, I have a set of data which is imported and in the past has been sorted by date, this suits my purposes perfectly as the data is date format only with no time (it imports as a 00:00:00 time). As the data has been imported in a correct order I could sort it by date and then primary key...
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    Query Values 26-50

    Hi, I am looking to find values 26 to 50 from a query and found how to do it but have since lost it. SELECT TOP 25 Table.Field, Count(Table.Field) AS CountOfField FROM Table GROUP BY Table.Field ORDER BY Table.Field; This code will return the top 25 and I have seen a method that basically says...
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    Apply Filter

    I am looking to apply a filter to a recordset on loading a form, for some reason I just cannot get the syntax. Private Sub Form_Load() DoCmd. ApplyFilter , "[Field] = "????????"" I am trying to remove items that have more or less than eight characters. Any help with an addled brain would be...
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    I have a welcome form that closes on a timer event and then opens another form, prior to opening the form it has to run a very slow query. Private Sub Form_Timer() DoCmd.Close DoCmd.OpenForm "Scan Data", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal I would like to change the mouse or stick up a message whilst...
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