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  1. L

    Editing previously submitted form to make another record ??

    Hello. I have a simple database used for entering requests to use company vehicles. User enters the day they want the vehicle, what time they expect to leave, return, where they are going, etc. Sometimes, a user may have to use a vehicle for more than one day in a week. I want them to be able to...
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    Newer company PCs reflecting wrong version of Access

    I found the solution to this - though I am not sure what caused it. Again, every install is done from the same setup.exe file. However, in the VBA7 folder within program files C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA7 There is a VBE7.DLL file. This DLL needs to be a version...
  3. L

    Records overwritten instead of saved as new

    Thank you! Another question though - would this require me to know what the default values are that I am carrying over? If so, this could vary with each entry. Here are the fields on the form: todays date, first name, last name, depart date, return date, destination city, destination state...
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    Records overwritten instead of saved as new

    Yes. I do understand that it is technically saving and not submitting. Poor word choice for the button and message, I suppose. To the users though, it all means the same thing. Lol
  5. L

    Records overwritten instead of saved as new

    Hello. This is either a poor programming choice or a simple fix I am sure, but I am a beginner, so please try not to yell. Lol I created a simple database in Access that has a form where users input the days and times they will be renting out a company vehicle. Sometimes, users will have to...
  6. L

    Help - Records not always saving to table

    It is in the "submit" button. It saves the record when they click it, but reminds them if they leave something blank so that they can't submit anything with black fields.
  7. L

    Help - Records not always saving to table

    If IsNull(Me.Request_Date) = True Then MsgBox "You must enter the request date." Me.txtRequestDate.SetFocus ElseIf IsNull(Me.Patient_First) = True Then MsgBox "You must enter the patient's first name." Me.txtPFirst.SetFocus ElseIf IsNull(Me.Patient_Last) = True Then MsgBox "You must enter the...
  8. L

    Split database gone/corrupted PLEASE HELP

    In #6 you added "google this site" and didn't provide a site. I do not know how to create the script that you suggest. Beginner at all of this...
  9. L

    Help - Records not always saving to table

    Yes it is split. Everyone has the front end and only me and another person have access to the backend. The submit button has VB code that saves the record to the table and sends a "Thank you, your request has been submitted." message. As far as I've always tested, if you see this message, it...
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    Help - Records not always saving to table

    Hello. I created a simple database at work that some employees use to enter transportation requests. Lately I have been hearing that when requests are submitting, they do not save to the tables. (There is a report screen in the database that shows you the records that already exist, and the new...
  11. L

    Newer company PCs reflecting wrong version of Access

    All of our machines run on Windows 7. Very weird. EVen if I try to upgrade the problem PCs to SP2 with the free link online, it doesn't work. But I really think the version numbers differing is why the database won't open. They keep getting the error "The database cannot be opened because the...
  12. L

    Newer company PCs reflecting wrong version of Access

    I know exactly what you are referring to, but I have one of the PCs in front of me now, and the only options under windows update are "give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates" and "allow all users to install updates on this computer". There is usually a third...
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    Newer company PCs reflecting wrong version of Access

    Hello. I am an employee at a small company, and occasionally, our employees access a database located on the network. On all of our newer machines, users receive an error upon opening the database. Everyone else can access the file just fine. The version for everyone else reads as 14.0.7015...
  14. L

    Can't link access table to excel spreadsheet

    I guess I just wanted to export to excel and be able to update within the spreadsheet instead of having to re-save. I don't want to have to re-export the table whenever the data is updated in Access. I read on an office forum that it could be done and you could use the Refresh button in excel so...
  15. L

    Can't link access table to excel spreadsheet

    I am trying to link a table in my database to an excel spreadsheet so that I can manipulate the data using excel features. I know that I can export the table to excel and do this, but I want to be able to link the spreadsheet so that I can click "Refresh" in excel and update the data whenever I...
  16. L

    Printing filtered reports?

    So there is no way to just print based off of what the user has filtered on the report? Something like If Me.Filter on Then.... Because they aren't really filtering the form per se, just the report that is in form view...
  17. L

    Printing filtered reports?

    It is not really an input form that calls a report. Its the navigation form where you can display diff reports/forms by just clicking the button of the form you want to see. Once you click the name of the report, the report shows. They filter by using the toolbar at the top.
  18. L

    Printing filtered reports?

    So I would need to do this for all fields?
  19. L

    Printing filtered reports?

    Hello. I have a database with some reports that show all records in a table. Some users want to only see certain rows, so they use filter option (clicking in the field, and using the funnel symbol feature at the top. I have a print button, but I had only set it to print the report name. So when...
  20. L

    Change password for back-end database

    I need to change the password to the front end of my split database. How would I do this?
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