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  1. V

    Access 97: Select Case VBA to return values to query

    perfect, the baby is running nicely now and the image URLs come out well-formed and fast! Your support is much appreciated
  2. V

    Access 97: Select Case VBA to return values to query

    Thanks a bunch, that seems to do it. But there is an issue about the [books_id] field. The query represents the resulting URL as[books_id].jpg[books_id]_2.jpg the spacing is right, but rather than the name of the variable, I need to see the...
  3. V

    Access 97 going strong in Cambridge and Santa Monica

    I am working with a pretty elaborate Access 97 front-end and a SQL backend to keep track of old books. I have picked up a bit of code here or there, but never enough. Now I do want to know it!
  4. V

    Access 97: Select Case VBA to return values to query

    Depending on the value of "imagecount", this function should return a string of 1, 2, or 3 image URLs for the same book record, separated by a space. I think the Select Case logic is OK, but I think I need one more line so that the function actually returns a value. What is the magic word...
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