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  1. L

    Firing off the AfterUpdate event procedure

    Dim txtbox As TextBox Set txtbox = Forms(Me.Text55).Controls(Me.Text0) txtbox = Me.Text8 missing after update code DoCmd.Close I tried: Call txtbox_AfterUpdate Call txtbox.AfterUpdate txtbox.AfterUpdate txtbox_AfterUpdate Application.Run "Form_" & Me.Text55 & "." & Me.Text0 & "_AfterUpdate"...
  2. L

    strange filter result

    It's not a big problem but annoying and not good for reputation with my clients. A simple list on a form filtered based on a field on the form. It's work every time but one wrong result it always appear if I digit a correct number. For make it easier to understand I attach the simple database I...
  3. L

    "click" on tabs in navigation form

    I need help to complete the code... to "click" between tabs i use BrowseTo Attached is a half work database... the 02 button select the 2nd tab but get error anyway... and if possible I need 3rd button to select the 3rd tab wich is the same subform but different filter in my main database thanks
  4. L

    SendKeys and NumLock problem...

    As maybe you know after some code with SendKeys your NumLock will be disabled... I try this function Public Declare PtrSafe Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Long Function numlockcheck() numlockcheck = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumlock) End Function and this code at the end...
  5. L

    Select navigation control or set focus ptoblem

    Hi I have 3 level of navigation control thant I need to select on form load. one level is 12 button for 12 month and I need to select the current I managed to SendKeys "{TAB}", True from 1 to Month(date) then SendKeys "{ENTER}" but if the form is open the code work good on load, on resize or on...
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    Does after update event triger on enter or exit??

    I have an unbound form whitch is compiled mynually because the querry result are not updatable... evrything worked well for month... now I change a code on a bottons(not the textbox problem) to not open double record but chech first if it exist and opend the record on a new form... now on a...
  7. L

    criteria for 2 checkbox not work for both

    need to filter a subform based of 2 checkbox on main form, all work but not for both checked in this calculated field: placeno: IIf(Nz([iznos])=False;0;-1) this is the criteria: IIf([forms]![Putninalogmjesec]![Check49]=-1; IIf([forms]![Putninalogmjesec]![Check51]=-1;0 or -1;-1)...
  8. L

    select NavigationButton on NavigationControl with 3 level

    On access 2013 I have 3 level on navigationcontrol 1st for the year. name: navigationcontrolyear 2015 2016 2017 2nd for the month. name: navigationcontrolmonth 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 3rd for the file with the same subform. name...
  9. L

    function for navigation button caption

    Hi I need for my clients to short for month and year and 7 view per month = 84/year like in picture attached is there a function or a code that I receive the caption or the right,2 of the navigation name without insert all manually, the function where cause work great but I have to insert all...
  10. L

    how to know what code are calculating??

    I have a problem with one form that some field become not editable and I want to find what code are doing... I clear 1 of my code on current of one subform and all code on load but after 1 sec my mainform and my subform become non editable in intermediate window ?Forms!mainform.allowedits True...
  11. L

    cant edit a specific text box on subform

    HI. I have a strange problem, I can't edit one bound field on my subfofm. I have a code that the guest user on load set this subform allowedits on false. but other user can edit all the others but not this field proprieties of the fild in subform is enabled yes locked no same as is in the source...
  12. L

    Event on current for new record in sf

    Hi I need to trigger a code when I navigate on my subform to a new record on current work great for all my record but when I enter in now record in a subform that record is not yet created and I like this but I need a design code to trigger any suggestion?
  13. L

    do you have better formula for oldest date??

    Hello. I have 31 checkbox to determinate which day of month to be in calendar with iif([01]=-1;cdate("01/" & [month] & "/2015");cdate("01/01/2001") in the query to get date field to compare to paid date for that customer... now for list unpaid date I have all the customer who has date after...
  14. L

    error filtering subform with date

    I'm feeling noob to ask a question about filtering because I did a lot of time but this time I can't find a way the easy code Dim StrDate As String If Nz(Me.Text42.Value) = False Then StrDate = "01." & Month(Date) & "." & Year(Date) Else: StrDate = "01." & Me.Text42.Value & "." & Year(Date) End...
  15. L

    Helo from Croatia

    Hello to everyone. English is my second foreign language but I need for programming so I'll try my best. I'm a owner of a 25-worker business and responsible for hardware and software part of working. We had for too long a dos program for schedule more than 200 patient/month to 5 nurse... that...
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