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    Error 3141 Punctuation problem?

    cheers - I had put the spaces after the quotes (doh)
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    Error 3141 Punctuation problem?

    Hi All, I am getting the above error when I run the following code. # Dim db As DAO.Database Dim strsql As String Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset Set db = CurrentDb() strsql = strsql & "SELECT Last(tblPOHeader.PODate) AS LastOfPODate, tblPOLines.StockCode, Sum(tblPOLines.Quantity) AS SumOfQuantity...
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    help please with date query

    Hiya, I can only see the last 2 columns of your query but can I suggest: 1. take the totals option off (this would remove the group by etc) 2. Put the date in the criteria row of TRX_DAT you would then be able to see if the query can match the criteria, and if so the lines behind...
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    Howdo Peeps

    welcome, and to reassure I have asked some really daft questions!
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    Report showing only 1 page of many

    sorry but without more info difficult. no filters? what's the grouping?
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    help please with date query

    Hi QuinolKO as a first suggestion your date should be #9/1/2015# and I would show all the data until you get the query working and keep simple without group/totals until you are happy you are getting the correct data if still problems do you want to include a screen shot of the query?
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    Run time error 9 subscript out of range

    Hi All, Thanks for all the responses, I got there in the end. For the use of others this is how: I had to copy the code in to a new separate module. The immediate window wouldn't work properly in module behind a form. I had to do the move first & last routine for the record count to...
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    Run time error 9 subscript out of range

    that was a silly mistake - still not working but hey ho I'll keep looking.....
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    Run time error 9 subscript out of range

    Hi all, OK - I know I am probably being thick, but I can't see my error. I have written a very simple sub to try to identify where I am going wrong but no joy. I have attached a screen print showing the relevant table, module, error message and immediate window. I can not figure out what is...
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    Stop subform requery

    Hi Arnelgp - yes I do have a navigation form, could this have an impact? I have no links from it to the child form that is re-querying but it does open the parent form. Hi Ruralguy - yes the after update routine is creating 3 variables in an array that are then pasted into 3 text boxes...
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    Stop subform requery

    sorry don't understand the question
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    Stop subform requery

    Hi, No the master child link is not in the above code. The query is run on a 3rd unrelated table.
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    Stop subform requery

    Hi The code is below, basically it creates an array and then runs a query on the results which populates the listbox mentioned. Private Sub txtSearch_AfterUpdate() 'create array for search from search field (max 3 search criteria) Dim StockString, StockArray, Msg StockString =...
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    Stop subform requery

    Hi All, There is quite a lot of info around this out there, but I have been unale to solve my issue. I have a parent form with a child subform. On the parent form: I have a textbox which the after update property includes a vba query to update a list box. There is no .requery...
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    Error 3061 Too few parameters expected 2.

    Many thanks all. I am working through removing 'last' where possible. Parameters error now gone but now filter doesn't work at all. I am now working on this but may come back with new thread is unsuccessful! I agree with comment about where, but am trying to get simple version of query...
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    Main new rec button for many subforms

    you haven't mentioned how the subforms are related to the parent form, but how about making them all Me.yoursubform.DataEntry = True when you hit new record on subform 1? alternatively docmd.GoToRecord acDataForm,"yoursubform",acNewRec for each?
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    Database to help me DJ?

    tblHarmonics has a primary key of 'Key' this has a one to many relationship with the song key in tblSongs on a search form you select your key which will return its harmonics you can then query your tblSongs for all songs that are in any of the 3 keys. let me know if you need more detail
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    Database to help me DJ?

    I'd have thought 2 tables should do it. Table 1 with your song details: Name, artist, key etc Table 2 associating the 3 relevant keys together, eg. A, D & E You can then search by key, and those related keys. You can obviously expand further with genres etc which you would probably keep in...
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    Error 3061 Too few parameters expected 2.

    Dear All, I hope you can help. I have been working round this problem for 2 days... I am running the following query directly from the code: Public Sub Test() Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim MyRs As DAO.Recordset Dim MyRsFilter As DAO.Recordset Dim strsql As String...
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    run time error 2105 you can't go to specified record

    I'll give it a go - thanks for your help
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