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  1. T

    List of users

    Actually, I appreciate your help but I think I am OK for now. I want to see for a couple of months how many times I actually have to look up users' details. All i have to do for now is, take the host name and Ctrl + F to search. But if i find out that this is worth pursuing the way you...
  2. T

    List of users

    ah, I didnt think about that. The report is in Excel
  3. T

    List of users

    Update: IT was able to share a report with me with a list of all host names so I can use that to match the host name with the names. It is a manual process but I am OK with this. This is not something I would have to do on a regular basis. Thank you
  4. T

    List of users

    Yes, I didn notice that. The user name, when I run it on my machine says 'LOGIN_NAME:Admin'. I have to test it with others to see what it says for them. I am not admin of anything so I am not sure where it is pulling that from. But again - thanks for the info. I will work with host name and IP...
  5. T

    List of users

    Thats Great. Thank you very much. But how would I identify a user by the IP address? Isnt this the same as the host name (computer name)? Sorry, I must be missing something. Thank you
  6. T

    List of users

    Thank you - that worked. I now only have to test this to make sure it pulls the info. on multi users (Computer Names). A follow up question is: It shows the computer name of the user who is using the database but the computers name in our organization are made up of alphabets and numbers and...
  7. T

    List of users

    Appreciate your code. I actually went live without this but definitely want to have this for my next release. Since I am new to this, would you (or anyone) provide me some info. on how to use the code above. 1. I am assuming that the first part of the code is a module that I would have to...
  8. T

    Post db implementation questions - and thank you

    Bump & update: I opened the FE table (not in the deisgn view which is what I was trying to do earlier) added data to the table and closed it. I then opened the FE and the linked table was already updated. For my other question on how to release a revised/updated version of the FE in the future...
  9. T

    Access 2013 ACCDE file not compatable with Access 2010

    Yes, home laptop is also 32 bit.
  10. T

    Post db implementation questions - and thank you

    I tried to open the table in FE in design view to add data to a table and got the attached error. I am trying to add a name to a table so it shows up in the drop down for one of the fields. No I dont mean adding a field. See attached
  11. T

    Post db implementation questions - and thank you

    I understand that. What I am trying to ask is what are the best practices when it comes to updating BE? How do I do that? Yes, there is a lot of fields with blank data that show up on the report in PDF format
  12. T

    Post db implementation questions - and thank you

    Sorry, I have not touched the BE file yet. I want to make sure that I can simply open the BE and update the table. Do I need to be sure that no one is using the db or have it open before I make that change? If I am in the process of updating BE, would the users get an error message if they try...
  13. T

    Post db implementation questions - and thank you

    First I wanted to thank you all for helping me with my questions. I just 'installed' the FE file on most of the machines and things are looking great. No issues except a few and I would like to fix them sooner than later before I start getting calls :) Your help in advance is greatly...
  14. T

    Access 2013 ACCDE file not compatable with Access 2010

    Both of my work laptops with Access 2010 and Access 2013 are Win 7 Enterprise 32-bit. I have to check my home laptop and will let you know. Thank you
  15. T

    Access 2013 ACCDE file not compatable with Access 2010

    Update: I used my work laptop (vs my personal laptop previously) with Access 2010 to make ACCDE from a 2013 file and it worked just fine.
  16. T

    Pre-FE db delivery Checklist

    That is just perfect. Thank you very much. I was struggling with the fact that if I create ACCDE first then I wont be able to hide the ribbon after and if I hid the ribbon first then I wont be able to create ACCDE. Thank you
  17. T

    Pre-FE db delivery Checklist

    I was going to do that but then I realized that its FE file and if the users have to write their own queries they will be able to do it etc.
  18. T

    Pre-FE db delivery Checklist

    Ok you are right. I borrowed another laptop from IT at work for testing which had access 2010 installed. So i created ACCDE from my 2013 db by using my laptop from work and now that 2010 ACCDE is working just fine. Perhaps there is some issue with the 2010 I had on my personal machine.
  19. T

    Pre-FE db delivery Checklist

    Yes, I work for the same company but I have office 2013 on my machine but the rest of the users are using 2010. I mentioned in an another thread below that when I used my 2013 accdb file to open in 2010 at my home PC, there was a couple of things that didnt work after converting it to 2010...
  20. T

    Pre-FE db delivery Checklist

    Hi, I will be distributing my FE db no late than Monday morning to the users. I can not distribute ACCDE file because I build the db in 2013 but all other users use 2010 and ACCDE file from 2013 is not compatible with 2010. Converting the file in ACCDE by opening the db in 2010 is also not...
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