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  1. T

    Login Forms

    hi Im new to access, i have created a login form with the following code. Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Sub btnLogin_Click() Dim rs As Recordset Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbl1Employees", dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly) rs.FindFirst "UserName='" &...
  2. T

    Login Form

    Hi Im new and im trying to set up a login form for data base using access2007. it needs to recognize users and passwords from a user table and then open a form called user interface if the login is correct. i have watched some really bad videos on you tube and some good ones but for some reason...
  3. T

    displayin current age in a table field

    hi im really really new to access and need some help. I set up a table for a football league and its called players and this table displays name date of birth, team and age. The age needs to automatically update each year and it needs to be seen in the table. i have set up a query and it does...
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