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  1. N

    Updating fields from multi-select listbox based on a GROUP BY query

    I have a form, with a multiselect listbox that is displaying data from a GROUP BY query, which itself pulls data from more than one (related) tables. What I want to be able to do, is for selected listbox entries find the matching records in one of the tables used in the query and run an update...
  2. N

    group query listbox - amend each record represented by grouped listbox item(s)

    I have a listbox on a form that is based off a grouped query. For example: Listbox: lstRequestedSoftwareAmalgamated Query: qRequestedSoftwareAmalgamated, with the following fields grouped: Title (group by) Version (group by) ConfigInfo (group by) [other grouped fields...] Locations (count of...
  3. N

    Prevent APPEND when certain fields match in a query

    I have a unbound form to add data into a table. I have an ADD button which then adds in the field data on the form into the relevent table (these form fields are lookups to other tables, so the data that will be appended will be all ID numbers). I have a query called qRequestDuplicateCheck...
  4. N

    Editing Foreign IDs in cboboxes causing ophan records

    Not sure if this is best here or in Theory and practice of database design? It's causing me massive problems on forms so here unless mods think otherwise. ------------------------------ I have had an issue with orphaned records today and I'm, first, massively panicked, and then I'm hoping...
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    Searching middle form of 3-linked subforms on a unbound main form

    I'm going to detail the structure I have, the question is after (highlighted) I have a main form (well, almost, it's inside the navigation subform....): fSoftwareItem. This is unbound and houses 3 subforms that are linked to each other, in 1:M relationship as ordered below. These forms are...
  6. N

    Add new record using unavailable IDs

    Further to a previous thread... and valuble advice from Minty about being able to have a subform of a continuous form (in the footer)... I have a continuous form (fLocation) based off a query (Record Source: SELECT * FROM qLocation) which in turn is based off a table (tLocation, which has...
  7. N

    Continuous form: Random blanking of fields

    I hope some people will be so kind to help me with a form I'm having huge trouble with. I've attached a stripped back database (removed non-related tables and other forms and filled with test data that doesn't represent RL). There are two forms here, both continuous: fStaff fLocation Both...
  8. N

    Continuous form space saving ideas please

    I needing a continuous form (fLocation, based off tLocation) which users add records directly on. Fields are: IDLocation FIDBuilding (FK, to tBuilding.IDBuilding) --- cboFIDBuilding / txtFIDBuilding Room FIDUsage (FK, to tUsage.IDUSage) --- cboFIDUsage / txtFIDUsage FIDFaculty (FK, to...
  9. N

    Continious form. Small checkbox filter oddness...

    I have a continious form (fStaff, based off tStaff) that has the following fields: IDStaff (autonumber) Firstname Surname FIDRole (FK to tRole.IDRole), cboFIDRole Ex (Yes/No), CheckEx In the header of this form (fStaff) I have a checkbox (called CheckExFilter) If it's checked I want it...
  10. N

    Syntax q: APPEND to tables from unbound form

    I have a unbound form (called fBulkRequest) on which I'd like users to makes some selections and then click a button which then adds records to a table called tRequestDetail. I'm having trouble figuring out the syntax to do this: lstRequest (listbox), bound column (1) is IDRequest. I want to...
  11. N

    correct code for setting RowSource of listbox based on combobox?

    I have a very simple query about the correct syntax for defining the RowSource of a listbox (lstRequest) based on a combo box value in the same form (fRequest.cboAcademicYear) Private Sub FilterRequest() Dim strREQUEST As String strREQUEST = "SELECT qRequest.IDRequest...
  12. N

    Prevent duplication across 3 fields in 2 tables

    Is there a way to prevent duplication of data across 3 fields in 2 tables? I have two tables: tRequest IDRequest (PK) FIDAcademicYear (FK from tAcademicYear) FIDRequestType (FK tRequestType) FIDSubject (FK from tSubject) RequestDate FIDStaff (FK tStaff) 1:M to: tRequestDetail IDRequestDetail...
  13. N

    I've hit a brick wall defining my entities, please help

    Hello I have a problem finalising my ERD for my database. The current diagram allows for the main volume of data-entry that is needed, but I’m struggling with the entities that will manipulate that data. I've started the forms & queries, but I'm stuck when trying to plan the...
  14. N

    Many to Many (junction) data entry via forms

    My database has a few many to many relationships that are resolved with junction tables. I'm now building the forms. I have no problem on forms making the associations between records via the junction table if both sides of the M:M have records, but I can't figure out how to do the following...
  15. N

    Spreadsheet Style Report? Column and Row headers

    Someone has asked me today to manipluate some data on a worksheet (from one of many spreadsheets the database I'm currently trying to create will be replacing) for a report. The data is not normalised in any way (so one massive worksheet). I've quickly imported the data and tried to split it...
  16. N

    Is this type of functionality done at form level, not table?

    Can someone point me in the right direction. I have the following relationships between 3 tables: tblSWVersion 1:M tblInstalls tblSWVersion 1:M tblPackage 1:M tblInstalls The table's fields are as follows, with example data: tblSWVersionIDSWVersion SWV1 SWV2 SWV3tblPackageIDPackage...
  17. N

    Query two records on same table, and output based on results

    (This is related to my Are the relationships between my tables *totally* wrong? thread in the Tables forum if anyone wants more background - sorry I can't post links until I hit 10 posts and don't want to spam just to get to that point). Relevent to the problem below is the attached ERD, which...
  18. N

    Are the relationships between my tables *totally* wrong?

    Hello It's been a good number of years since I've been involved in databases so take me as a newbie. I'm hoping someone will have the Eureka moment that has failed me so far. I'm sorry that this is the 2nd post to the forum, I'm honestly trying not the be rude by jumping in with a HELPME-type...
  19. N

    Hello from the East Midlands, UK

    Hello I’m currently based in the East Midlands, UK and working for an educational establishment. Until fairly recently I hadn’t worked on, or created, databases in anger for about 12 years but I’m now dipping my toes back in the water for a project whose data has been, so far, managed by a...
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