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  1. melanie

    Am I missing Something - Tab Stop on Tab Control Form

    Maybe some good soul can lead me out of the darkness and back into the light............... I have a form with 5 tab controls, so far so good, everything works great.... except the tab stops. Trying to set the tab stops starting at page 1, field 1 at tab stop "0" and so forth (tab stop 1, tab...
  2. melanie

    Mail Merge and CheckBoxes

    :o Here I am limping and whimpering back to the forum for help..again... I am mail merging to Word. Some of my table columns are Yes/No data types. I would like them to come out as check boxes in Word but they merge as True and False. Please, how do I overcome this latest dilemma? Is this...
  3. melanie

    Undefined function in 'Conc' expression

    Please, Please tell me where I'm going wrong. I have read up and looked at examples of concatenating multiple rows into one, but I receive the error message " Undefined function in 'Conc' expression when I try to run the query. Below is the sql: SELECT testconc.InvoiceNo...
  4. melanie

    Filter On

    Please can somebody tell me why my form is opening as non-editable when I open it from this code from a form, but editable if I open it normally?:mad: Private Sub Invoiced_Click() Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "frmInvoiceEdit"...
  5. melanie

    ComboBox is null therefore all records show

    Good day Please can someone assist me with this combo box issue? Main form which has a set of two combo boxes. (No 1 is Bank and No 2 is Branch). Second one relies on the first for its records. (Select Bank first then Select the Branch pertaining to that Bank). The subform is linked to...
  6. melanie

    Duplicate Record - Primary Key from Input Box

    Hello all Please could you assist me with the following: The primary key is not autonumber, so when the duplicate button is activated on the form, I would like the user to insert the unique key for the new record into an input box. If the key inserted already exists, to have a message...
  7. melanie

    Value from Hidden Subreport with No Data #Error

    I have a hidden subreport on a 'salary advice' report which holds a summed deduction value for previous overpayments of commission per employee. The "FeeDiff" text box on the main report obtains it's deduction value from the above described subform field. All works well until there is an...
  8. melanie

    Getting a summary from query into a table

    Hi all Hoping there is a simple answer to this question: Here goes: I have a table called "container details" pk is "idnumber" and another which is linked to it called "pallet details". So one container to many pallets. The reports I generate is a pack list which shows all the entries for...
  9. melanie

    Email crash after sending snapshot

    Hi all Firstly thank you for a great forum, I have learnt so much!!! I have a form with check boxes for each report and command buttons to print, preview or email. I check the reports I want and then click the email button - its coded to format to snapshot automatically. Outlook Express...
  10. melanie

    Selected data in subform disappears

    Hoping you could help me with this problem. I have a form which has a subform and the subform has a subform of its own which is a datasheet. The problem is this: In the last form, the datasheet, when I select an item from the 2nd combobox (its value its dependent on the 1st combobox) in the...
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